Day in the Life

Feb 5, 1890

Journal Entry

February 05, 1890 ~ Wednesday

5 I signed 14 Recommends I received 14 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 6 Letters wrote to Newton & Sarah


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Woodruff, Newton, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
156 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions

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Letter from Charles Kraus, 5 February 1890

Salt Lake City . Presdt. Wilford Woodruff! Dear Brother! I have received your lettre to night stating that my name was suggested and accepted as a missionary to Switzerland and Germany which has taken me by surprise. And in answere to it I will say that I am willing to render obiedience to the call Knowing that the blessings of God will follow. I will trye and arange to be able to leave at the said date March 19th desiring

Letter from James H. Clark, 5 February 1890

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. In Answer to your letter of Inquiry as to my willing- ness to accept a mission to Great Brittan on the 4th of June next. You may expect me to be ready to go at the time appointed nothing interveneing, that I no not of Respectfully Your Brother James H. Clarke Bp. George Halliday

Letter from George Teasdale, 5 February 1890

President Wilford Woodruff and Council, Beloved Brethren: I have the honor to submit to you the Statements of the business of this office for the year 1889, according to the auditors reports, Elders S. R. Thomas and Walter Hoge. By this report you will learn that the blessing of God has rested upon our feeble labors, and that notwithstanding our expenses necessarily increased, still we have come out favorably, far beyond anything I could have expected. I find upon scrutinizing the accounts I find bills paid in the month of January that strictly should have been paid in the last years business to the amount of about eighteen pounds, which would diminish our favorable showing. Leaving only £2628.0 1/2 in reserve, instead of £278.8.0 1/2. We added ^£^123.0.0 to the surplus stock a/c so we honestly cleared £383.8.0 1/2 after paying all expenses as you will see from the balance sheets. Everything is in a far better condition than when we started at the beginning of the year. The print- ing and house equipment are more valuable. The house has been cleaned and partly papered. We have had new type, and are doing most all of our own printing. The old stove was about worn out

Letter from Henry Wood, 5 February 1890

Logan, Cache Co; Utah. President W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother; Your favor of 30th January came to hand Monday Evening, 3rd inst, and contents noted with pleasure; and in reply, will state, I shall have much pleasure and satisfaction in complying with this call, and with Gods help, of fulfilling my mission to the best of my humble ability, at the time appointed. Very Repectfully, Your Brother in the Gospel, Henry Wood I can endorse Brother Wood as being worthy to the calling assigned him F. Turner Actg Bp

Letter from William Budge, 5 February 1890

President W Woodruff Dear Bro We attended at the House committee rooms again to day, and were promised another hearing as soon as present engagements would permit. The decision of the Supreme Court has undoubtedly weakened the prestage we had, but will not necessarily ^prove^ fatal to our hopes of obstructing the Statehood movement. Judge Wilson is not discouraged, but is prepared to make an argument in the light of the "decision," which may show the committee the undesirability of the kind of legislation proposed in the State constitution. Bro John T. left for Salt Lake last night, and will no doubt have had an oppertunity of explaining fully before this reaches you The bretheren here are all well. I remain very respectfully your brother Wm Budge

Letter from James Meier, 5 February 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff City. Dear Brother! I have Recieived your esteemed Letter on Saturday last and I beg to inform you, that when I was asked some 17 Months ago to state my Circumstances I done so, stating that it would take me about 2 Years to pay up my debt on my little Home, and I think that I will be able to do so till then. We have 4 Children the Oldest Boy is 10 Years old and the Youngest only 3 Years old and would have nobody to work to Keep the family while I would be absent. Please give me Consideration to my Statement, and Oblige Your humble Servant and Brother in the Gospel James Meier I enclose answer to my last Statement from Brother Campell.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

I sent To Newton to pay on Note 50


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 5, 1890