Day in the Life

Feb 12, 1890

Journal Entry

February 12, 1890 ~ Wednesday

12 I signed 22 Recommends I received
247 ^27^ Letters I had a Meeting with the Bank
board & with several of the Brethren
I wrote 2 letters one to Sarah.


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Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions

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Letter from Jedediah Wardle, 12 February 1890

Vernal Uintah Co. Utah. Presedent Woodruff Dear brother in answer to yours of Feb. 3rd I will say that if nothing happen to prevent me, I will be there on time. your brother in the gospel Jeddiah Wardle Peter Abplanalp. Bishop.

Letter from Lars F. Johnson, 13 February 1890

Bear River City Brother ^President^ Woodruff. Dear Brother youre Letter of Jan 30th is at hand. I am sorry to inform you that I can not very well get ready to go april 9th1890 I wald like veary much to have been ready. I am working for the Promontory Stock Co. and can not leave their in so short a time as thay have got to find a man to take my Place. And my Father Died last last faul it leaves me a grate deal to straten up before I can go. I allso have 160 acers of Land a Homstead next year in March in the time to Prove up. but if you think I had better not wait to prove up I can get ready an go next faul. I am willing to leave all, if it is required for, the Gosple. if you think I had better stay tell I prove up on my land, I hope you will still keep me on the ^list^ tel April 9th 1891. I fell I woud like to comply to this call, and weare it not for these obstacles in my way I would have been pleased to have gone, april 9th 1890 hoping to hear from you soon I remain youer Broher in the Gosple. Lars F Johnson

Letter from Rudolph Rickenbach, 12 February 1890

Glenwood Prest W Woodruff Dear Brother in answer to yours of Jany 31st regarding a mission to Switzerland and Germany will go and be at the Historians office at the time appointed your Brother in the Gospel Rudolph Rickenbach Herbert H. Bell, Bishop of Glenwood ward

Letter from Rufus A. Grider, 12 February 1890

Canajoharie N. Y. . Gents I desire to ascertain whether your Ass[ociatio]n posess any of the old fashioned [FIGURE] Powder Horns? If so—are they engraved? Do you know of others elsewhere? A collection of PICTURES of such are being collected for Historical purposes—not for sale—or for gain—but to be placed on Exhibition at the Worlds Fair in 1892. Please let me know whether such exist with you—if such as formerly belonged to the noted men who first braved the unknown could be copied—it would add interest to the Collection & preserve the history of the original maker and owner also. Only such as are engraved would be of service. Please answer & oblige Rufus A. Grider of the Mohawk Hist Society at Canajoharie N. Y.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash for Valentines 5


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 12, 1890