Day in the Life

Feb 13, 1890

Journal Entry

February 13, 1890 ~ Thursday

13 I signed 32 Recommends I received 21 Letters
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 23 Letters to Mary I sent her $5.


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Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
168 mentions

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Letter from Horace Heber Kimball, 13 February 1890

Meadowville. Feb. 13th 1890. Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother, Notice, dated Jan. 30, 1890. of call made upon me to fill a misson in the Southern States, came to hand a few days ago, and caused me some very serious reflections, I assure you. My circumstances are at present of such a nature, and condition that it seems to me impossible to leave them, at so early a date as you mention. I have made a pre-enption and will have to live on the land this comming summer to secure it, and there are other matter that absolutely require to be properly adjusted, before my leaving home. I humbly ask for a little time and as soon as I

Letter from G. H. Raymond, 13 February 1890

Wilford Woodruff Esq. Dear Sir. I am desirious of obtaining for Denver the exclusive agency but from owners only, of some choice additions to Salt Lake and have taken the liberty of addressing you, I am strongly of the opinion that the coming Spring will show a good demand for Salt Lake property and feel sure that if you or your friends have any prop- erty they wish offered in this market that I can do them good. I wish to take property from owners only and if you have anything to offer I would be glad to hear from you and if not I would esteem it a favor if you would kindly hand this letter to some one of your friends whom it might interest and perhaps result to his advantage. I can give unquestioned reference if desired and trust you will not think I am presuming too much in making this request. Very Respectfully, G. H Raymond

Letter from Joseph Condie Sharp, 13 February 1890

Salt Lake City . President Wilford Woodruff, City, Dear Brother: I beg to acknowledge the recipt of your notice bearing date of January 30th that my name had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Great Britain. I will say that I feel that it is my duty to respond to the call. The reason I have not answered sooner is that I did not have any money to take me to the place that you have assigned me to. I have not had work for a year, as I have been studying short hand and typewriting, and trying to prepare myself for a reporter, so that I did not have ready money enough; to I have, however, made arrangements with my brother for the necessary means, and am pleased to say that I will be ready to leave on the day you have named, viz: April 9th 1890. Your Brother in the Gospel, Joseph. C. Sharp 509 E. South Temple street, City.

Letter from Joseph Sorensen, 13 February 1890

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, A few days ago I received your letter, stating that I had been selected as a missionary to New Zealand, and asking my feelings in regard to the call. I wish to say that I am both willing and desirous of doing all I can to further the cause of God, in any place where I can be made the most useful, but my circumstances are such that unless a way is opened to enable me to sell some property to raise the means, it is doughtful whether I could get ready before fall; that is, if missionaries go to that field in the fall, still I will labour to gather means to go—if possible—at the time Appointed in your letter, and hope by the blessing of the Lord, I may be successful, Your brother in the Gospel Joseph Sorensen. I fully endorse the above answer of Bro Joseph Sorensen. James. S. Jensen. Bp. Pr Jos Lapish. Clerk

Letter from L. Wilson Shey, 13 February 1890

Middletown Ct. Feb 13th 1890. Pres. Woodruff: Dear sir Will you please send me a copy of the organ of the Morman church. I think it is called the (Desert news) also such other proofs of the Morman Church that you may know of. I am interested and would like more

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards and John Jaques, 13 February 1890

S L City, Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren Your esteemed communication, inclosing one from Brother Andrew Jensen, would have been answered some time ago, had not illness prevented a due consideration of the subject, which we have carefully and prayerfully canvassed. There is, in Bro. Jensen's "Historical Record," a large amount of valuable historical information, and we think he is entitled to much credit for his work on the same. He now offers to turn over, as a free gift to the Church, his "Historical Record," subscrip- tion list, good will of the concern, &c., with certain historical manuscripts which he has written. So far as this donation proffered is concerned, abstractly considered, it is an act of generosity.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash to Mary 5


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 13, 1890