Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1890

Journal Entry

February 15, 1890 ~ Saturday

15 I met with Z.C.M.I. Board The presidency
Decided to Buy 50 History of Salt Lake City &
50 Utah Northern of Tullidge at $5 each to help
him 32 Recommends signed & 36 Letters


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Letter from Almono Loeto Young, 15 February 1890

President Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your's of the 1st, inst., at hand, will say I am willing to go to New Zealand on a mission and will perform the same to the best of my ability, but imposible for me to start before the 5th, of April. Your Brother in the Gospel, A. L. Young. Endorsed O. F. Whitney Bishop 18th Ward Feb. 15 [18]90.

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 15 February 1890

Provo City, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In compliance with your instructions I started for Price Station at D.g RG. Rg, Saturday, Febr. 8, at 1 P.M. having tele- graphed my arrival to Bro. L. M. Olsen, at that place. Arri- ving at Price at 5 P.M. was kindly received by Bro. Olsen and hospitably entertained by him until Sunday morn- ing. Starting for Huntington at 5 A.M. arriving at the latter place at 9 A.M. met President Larsen of Emery Stake at the residence of Bro. Howard, his second counsellor, and President of the Stake Board of Education. One hour's conversation before the morning meeting convinced me of the existence of a strong party feeling about the location of the Academy. Huntington or Castle Dale were the watchwords, and each party endeavore all to influence me in their favor stating, however, to these bretheren your instructions, that neither yourself nor the General Board desired to influence them either way, leaving the settlement of their question entirely to the Saints of Emery Stake, I had no authority whatever to take sides. When I found that Presidency of the Stake was divided, the Stake Board in its majority lean- ing one way, the High Council in its majority leaning

Letter from Charles F. Emery, 15 February 1890

Accepts Mission Salt Lake City Feb 15th, 1890 President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 12th notifying me that my name has been suggested and accepted as a mission- ary to the Southern States was received. And I am very glad that I am counted worthy to fill a mission and I am willing to go and do the best I can because

Letter from Angus Taylor Wright, 15 February 1890

Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo Q. Cannon and Jos F. Smith. My Dearly beloved Bretheren: Your ever welcome letter of Jany 8th came duly to hand and as usual we were much pleased to receive your valued instruc- tions, and feel to press forward with renewed dilligence after pe- rusing the same. We fully realize the great responsibility resting upon you during these very peculiar and distressing times, but know that God is able to make you equal to every emergency. We have eager- ly scanned the newspapers on the arrival of our mails to learn if possible the decision on pend- ing cases. We really have no fear

Letter from George Lionel Farrell, 15 February 1890

Smithfield . Prest. W. Woodruff, My Dear Brother: I have just received a letter from Brother Rolapp this morning, in which he tells me that he has tried to do something for me, but failed. I will enclose his note so that you can understand without me explaining further. I am anxious to get my Temple work done this Spring, as my Sister ^from Arizona^ will be up to Conference in April & will be prepared to help us in our Temple work. I would therefore like to be free to attend to that anyhow. I will do all I possibly can to liven up the ward, the people were greatly surprised when I walked into meeting on Sunday last, Many raised upon their feet and met me at, or near the door, and many of the Brethren told me after meeting that if I was taken & was sentenced to go to prison that they would willingly go to prison in my place. I thought this very kind of them indeed, but instead of this, if they would be willing to help me in forwarding the work in this ward, according to my wishes I would be perfectly satisfied, and I would promise them that they could earn more in 6 months, than I would ask them

Letter to William Atkin, 15 February 1890

Salt Lake City, U. T. Elder Wm. Atkin, Atkinville, Washington Co. Dear Brother: Your letter of Feby. 3rd came duly to hand. Press of business has prevented an earlier reply. It is gratifying to hear that your daughter May is so rapidly recovering from her illness, and that the other members of your family are all enjoying the inestimable blessing of good health. The tidings of the marriage of your son John, and of the prospective marriage of Joseph very soon, to two sis- ters, is good. It is right and proper for the sons of Zion to marry the daughters of Zion, and through faithful, honorable and upright lives fulfil the measure of their creation and their destiny. I congratulate them and wish them continual pros- perity and eternal happiness through fidelity to the cause of Zion. I join you in the hope that not many of our poor brethren will be great losers in the damage done by the late floods in the Rio Virgen, and that although the land which has been washed away is effectually lost to them, that they will make it up by getting land above, although they may not have to expend their labor for it. Even that will be much better than no land at all in lieu of that washed away. My family are usually well. My own health is very good now, for which I am exceedingly thankful, although I took a slight cold yesterday, but I hope it won't amount to much. Emma and her family are well and would send love if they knew I was

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for sundries at ZCMI 10

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash for 200 lb sugar 13 40


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Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Feb 15, 1890