Day in the Life

Mar 17, 1890

Journal Entry

March 17, 1890 ~ Monday

17. I signed 14 Recommends. I received 21 Letters I wrote
3 Letters to Bennett Phebe Snow & Susan I received
from washington 75 strawbury Plants Raspburies &
grapes which I set out at the farm


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34 mentions
Scholes, Susan Cornelia Woodruff
25 Jul 1843 - 6 Oct 1897
361 mentions


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Letter from Ola Jonsson, 17 March 1890

To President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In answer to yours of March 13th where in I am called on a mission to Scandanainvia to Leave Salt Lake April 30, 1890 I will say that being as servant of the Lord, I deem it my duty to Respond. I am willing to go and will do the best in my power (always trusting in God.) to faithfully perform the Mission assigned me. I am Your Brother Ola Jensson O. K. good

Letter from Lot Smith, 17 March 1890

Reservoir, President Woodruff: I cant keep still with the Sure? [blank] that there are those that would rob me of the good feeling you have had towards me. I would not if I knew it send J. H. Smith or any other person on earth to the house of the Lord that were not worthy of that blessing. Now why should Bishop Brinkerhoff or J. N. Smith send to you to make you & me trouble about this matter. Just this to make you think I had done wrong in the sending the name of my son to you as worthy of this blessing. He is my son but that I will say if I know my own motives would not swerve me one particle from what I concider just & Righteous. I have been much of his life absent from him & not on business of my own. This much I can say I never knew of his Swaring, Stealing, drinking or Immorality nor any of those worse traits in human nature. He did use tobaco but had Quit & months or ^more^ before I wrote to you. I repeat what I said then that I know of no reason why he should not have a recommend. Why did they send the Farnsworth matter to you & say I had given an order on Bishop Preston & then countermanded it and telling the Bishop not to pay it thus Nullyfying the Bishops Decision. It was a lie. I did not do it. They robed me of my money & I took it, if not joyfully I took it. Some one said he that Stealeth my purse Stealeth trash but they have Saught to take more than this of me. Something I Prised far more than money - Your fellowship & the fellowship of the good & just. I cant silently let this slip away from me, it may go but I will Strive to retaine it by every Just Means. Now I have said so much I am Compelled to say more. In that Moen Coppy Matter I am sure Bishop Brinkerhoff sought to Injure me & when the Apostles decided it I was satisfied & paid what they said I should. He could not raise his part & sent A. L. Farnsworth to me for the money. I let him have $87 then he refused to pay it. I told him if he was poor I would make him a present of it. He said he would not have it that way, neither would he pay it. I told him I would arbitrate it, he refused at first but finally concented & then refused to pay it & Said I might take him to the high Council. I told him it was his place if he did not wish to abide the arbitration. I got it by Stealth & did not Steal it either or get it dishonestly. He has been full of hard feelings all the time since the Apostles had their Say & has missed no chance to injure me in public or Private. I dont think I would have noticed him if he had left you out. Now you will recolect J. N. Smith & me as on the best of terms. I thought we were but while in Mexico there came a ^change^ on this wise: The Arizona Co-op Store failed Finan- cially & Bro. Teasdale undertook to look into the Matter & Called J. N. Smith, President Lot Smith vice President & Director ^G. C. Williams &^ J. H. James Director together to see what could be done. Bro. Teasdale was censuring Bro. Smith for attempting to build a large store & pay a full Dividend. J. N. Smith pointed to me & the other Brethren & said Bro. Teasdale I done nothing without the Council & consent of these men. I sat Stupified for a few moments then I said, Bro. Smith I never knew the Store was being built untill you wrote to me at the Mormon Dairy telling me you had let the Contract and the Store was in course of construction. Bishop James & Bro. Williams both said he did not have their consent nor should they have given it to build the store at all in the condition we were in Financially. For some days there was a coolness between Bro. Smith and me then

Letter from George William McCune Sr., 17 March 1890

Accepts Mission Nephi March 17 1890 Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have Just arrrived home was surprised to recive your letter but I am thankful to have the chacnce to fulfill the mission god has given me. I will try and be on hand to go at the time appointed. Would like to know about what day I will haf ^have^ to be in Salt- Lake Yours very truely Geo. McCune Send him notice of date of cetting apart & extracts from Bro Dean's letter

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 17 March 1890

Rexburg, Bingham Co., Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, We held Conferences at Wilford 15 & 16th. When Bishop Davis was presented there were ten men voted against him two of them ex Bishops and the others substantial men of the place. From appearances the ward is about qually divided in opinion. What shall we do in the case? There are abourt 400 members in the ward I am Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Robert H Swain & Ingeborg Mary J Swain Paid for Bill of Divorce 10

Mar 17, 1890