Day in the Life

Mar 22, 1890

Journal Entry

March 22, 1890 ~ Saturday

22 I went to the City with Alice she had 2 teeh
pulled I then returned 6 M[iles]


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Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
214 mentions


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Letter from Ether Enos McBride, 22 March 1890
Eden President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have just received A letter Signed by Geo Reynolds stating that the Presidency were entirely willing that I should postpone my mission untill my circumstances were better than at present since I wrote last some of the men that were owing me money have paid their Accounts & I am willing, & Able now to pay ^my^ way to Great Britain without having to mortgage my home he said for me to communicate with you & you would give me farther instructions I am all prepared for the mission & if I am considered worthy would prefer to go now as I have got my clothing & Books nearly all complete
Letter from Joseph Henry Dean, 22 March 1890
Fagalü, Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith Dear Brethren: Your kind favors of Jan. 8th, and Feb. 5th, have been duely received and read with deep interest. Thanks for your kind words of sympathy concerning the loss of my little son. Such blows are truly hard to bear. The Lord has seen fit to take half of my little flock—four, three of whom have died in my absence; one while I was in the pen- itentiary and two since I have been upon this mission. In thinking of my noble wife at home I sometimes think that trials in this life are very unevenly distributed. In addition to the trial of she had to bear thro' my entering the celestial law of God—than which I suppose there is no greater trial to a loving wife—she has had to bear alone in the three short years I have been away the loss of two of her children, her father and a sister. The Lord has made her equal to her bur- dens tho' seemingly, and neeither of us have any complaint to make, feeling that in the end our Father will sanctify all our trials to our good if we can but keep faithful to the end. We are awaiting anxiously the arrival of our next mail (due 25th) to see how the election has gone. I must confess I have very little faith that our people have been permitted to win. The other side seem to have the power and also the inclination to fix the thing as they please. What a host of unclean birds have found a comfortable nest in Zion! I fancy the next few years will make our people wish
Letter from Mosiah Lyman Hancock, 22 March 1890
Salt Lake City March 22nd 1890 Prest Wilford Woodruf. Dear Brother, I feel it a duty to adress a few lines to you some may think, that we are under the feet of our Enemies I do not think so. To be sure our own Legista- tors have given more stringent measures to the People of God! then even the Congress of our own Nation What Busines I ask, has our People to Legislate against the Laws which our Blessed Redeemer! has given to us? If our Enemies had placed the chains upon us the Lord! Would be under obligations to burst the Bands! But as we (I was about to write)—As a People (have to some extent) wrapped the silken cords of Babylon around our own Necks—Does it not seem to deep


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Mar 22, 1890