Day in the Life

Mar 21, 1890

Journal Entry

March 21, 1890 ~ Friday

21 I signed 240 Recommends I signedReceived 16 Letters
I met with the Bank Board Meeting

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Letter from Joseph Newbold, 21 March 1890

Smithfield Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, I received Your's of March 17 all right asking me how I felt with regard to my Mission. I am willing to go and do my best with the help of God and will be in Salt Lake City by the 29th of April all being well ready to start on 30th as You request. Your Brother in the Gospel Joseph Newbold Smithfield, Utah. O. K. Geo L. Farrell Bishop O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from George Teasdale, 21 March 1890

President W. Woodruff and Council, Dear Brethren: Enclosed please find copy of a letter I have just received from Elder Dieterle, which will give you further information concerning Elder Edgar Simmons, and his affaiars. I also enclose a part of an envelope, which has just been returned to me. I enclosed a five pound bank note to Bro. Simmons with a letter I wrote him. Bro Phillips wrote in french that if the letter failed to reach Elder Sim- mons it was to be returned to me. It came back to day and the five pound note was still in the letter. So you see a know- ledge of the french language comes in very handy some times. Bro. Phillips is doing very well considering. He is well satisfied with the Gospel and the gift of the Holy Ghost he has received. He is getting quite an experience But he has his individual- ity and his failings and weaknesses to overcome in common with us all. We all have our own battle to fight, and our peculiarities. My experience has taught me to

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 21 March 1890

Salt Lake City, U. T. . Elder F. A. Hammond, Washington D. C. Dear Brother: Your favor of 12th inst reached us a few days ago. We are pleased to hear of the good success that has attended your labors in New York and Pennsylvania, and trust that the seed sown will in its due time bring forth fruit. As an answer to another item in your letter, we have directed Brother Jack to procure a draft in your favor for Three Hundred Dollars -[$300.]- and forward it to you in care of Hon. John T. Caine. This, we trust, will lighten the financial burden that has been resting on you in the furtherance of the object of your visit to Washingtion. We are all we,,ll, and the public health is generally good, though "la grippe" has not yet entirely left us. We are now enjoying a few days of spring weather, after a long and somewhat severe winter. With kindest regards, Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash to Owen $4.75 teeth &c $4.50 9 25


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Mar 21, 1890