Day in the Life

Apr 29, 1890

Journal Entry

April 29, 1890 ~ Tuesday

April 29, 1890
I signed 23 Recommends I received 16 Letters
I wrote 2 letters to Mary sent $10 to finish her
Education. 1 pub[lic] letter I felt quite unwell to day
Henry A Woodruff called at the farm & spent
the night & came to the City with me this morning


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Woodruff, Henry Azmon
20 May 1855 - 2 Feb 1939
138 mentions
Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
168 mentions


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Related Documents

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Letter from James Monroe Hixson II, 29 April 1890
Wilford Woodruff, S. L. City, Dear Brother: I would like to know if there has been any other missionaries called to New Zealand to start from San fran- cisco on the 31st of May, Would also like to know the date they intend leaving S. L., if you can give it, or if not the address of any one who leaves Sanfrancisco on the 31st of May. Your Bro. in the Gospel; Monroe Hixson, Wanship, Summit Co., Utah.
Letter from Joseph T. Johnson, 29 April 1890
President W. Woodruff S L City, Salt Lake City Dear Brother As my Fathers family are about to go soon to the Logan Temple to perform Ordinances for our deceased kindred - and to be Sealed to our Parents. I desire on behalf of my Brothers and sisters that our Father and Mother who are Dead may be adopted to Apostle F. D. Richards. if it is agree- able with your views that we may be. as when we are together at the Temple we desire to accomplish all that we can do properly. as we have been acquain- ted with Elder Richards many years back in England and here our minds natirally incline to him. Your Obedient Brother Joseph T. Johnson Dear President Woodruff - I have been acquainted with this brother & his fathers family many years They are good faithful saints. F. D. Richards
Letter from William King, 29 April 1890
Presidents Woodruff Cannon and Smith Dear Brethren your very welcome letter of April 1st came to hand April 16th although it was short it brought very welcome news and I hope ere long to meet you all face to face hence I will make this letter brief we expect to Sail per Steamer Australia May 9th arrive in San Francisco May 16th thence to Salt Lake City where we expect to arrive on the 19th or 20th The follow- -ing Natives Saints will accompany me according to present arrangements Kekauoha Wife & two children 6 and 11 years of age Kekauoha opio and Wife Keoki Kekauoha and Wife


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Apr 29, 1890