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Day in the Life

May 9, 1890

Journal Entry

May 09, 1890 ~ Friday

9 I signed 3 Recommends. I receivd 11 Letters I signed
3 public Letters I held several personal Meetings to
day I met with about 20 Missionaries to the States 6 m[iles]

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Letter to Evan Stephens, 9 May 1890
Evan Stephens, Esq., Salt Lake City: Dear Brother—Your communica- tion of April 25th, with enclosure addressed to you by Mayor Geo. M. Scott, J. R. Walker, Esq., W. S. McCornick, Esq., and other leading citizens, in relation to the holding of a grand concert by the Choral Society in the Tabernacle, in this city, is received. In answering we would say that we have frequent applications for the use of the Tabernacle for the same or similar purposes, with pro- posals for large monetary consider- ations, which we have always de- clined; but in this instance we have decided to grant the request, on the condition named in both communi- cations, that after the expenses are paid the balance shall be devoted to charitable purposes. We are al- ways pleased to lend our aid in every consistent manner for the pro- motion of music and the kindred arts, that will tend to the elevation and instruction of the people. You will please confer with Bishop John R. Winder, whom we have authorized to act in our behalf in making the necessary arrangements. Very respectfully yours, WILFORD WOODRUFF.


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May 9, 1890