Day in the Life

May 14, 1890

Journal Entry

May 14, 1890 ~ Wednesday

14 Keys crossed I Attended the Funeral of Thomas MCLelland
I spoke at the funeral went to the office & returned 6 M[iles]


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Letter from William A. Walker, 14 May 1890
Lewisville Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of April 17th received and contents noted In reply will say I would of answered before but the Bishop was away from home so he could not sign the letter till now. I should like to prove up on my farm and secure it so I would not loose it before I go on a mission and I can not do that untill next March 1891 My Father bought a store from Z. C. M. I last February he run it two months but the deputy Marshals followed him up so closely he had to leave it so he sent for me to come to Salt Lake City to make some arrangements about the business. So I went to Salt Lake on the 4th of April was their during Conference. Saw Father their bought the store from him and gave my note for it drawing interest but I can shape this business by next spring so, I can go, as Wm. B Low. will buy one half interest in the business next spring and run it so, I can go. Wm. B Low. has run the same store for Z. C. M. I one year and is acquainted with the business and the people he is now working for Z. C. M. I at Eagle Rock. Now these are my circumstances if you feel like releasing me untiell April next I should be pleased if not I will make myself ready as soon as posible Your Brother in the Gospel Wm. A Walker Richard F Jardine Bp Release him till next Spring, & let him notify us when ready. J. F. S.
Letter from Charles Brent Hancock, 14 May 1890
Harrisville, Utah. President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I have attempted to write several times but through Dreams and Duty that I know I owe to my self and family Relatives I should not longer wait. But Proced to take the lead and gather up from the scattred remai- ns and bring them to use I have been looked upon by my fam- iley Relatives as their Historian and their Patriarch and more Particular ly since the Death of Uncle Leevi This Records having mostley came into my care And the wish of his children for me to bring their Fathers Record, into use for a Propper understanding
Letter from M. E. Jenkins, 14 May 1890
Recd 54 Brixton Road London S W. England Sir I would esteem it a favor if you will let me know, whether my son Ernest Jenkins is connected with your community; I have not heard from him for 18 months & am told by a friend [sideways text] I would write to the PO but they mightit take Notice [end of sideways text]


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May 14, 1890