Day in the Life

May 13, 1890

Journal Entry

May 13, 1890 ~ Tuesday

13 I signed 60 Recommends 27 for 2nd Anointings
I received 19 Letters I signed 38 public Letters

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Letter from Charles William Stayner, 13 May 1890

Washn D.C. Prest Woodruff Dr Sir & Brother, Respecting the 9 Elders who are to leave home on 20th^ inst.^ I would say that four are for the Iowa Conference, and can go to St. John, Kansas, for assign- ment. Prest. Pond will see that they are met and properly conducted to their fields of labor. They can go there via Santa Fe line from Denver Col, connecting with either U.P. or D&R.G. roads, whichever they prefer to Denver from Salt Lake. Cut rates from Denver are quite low now. The other five had better be divided be- tween the Pennsylvania & Indiana Con- ferences. Three can go to Metz, Marion Co W. Virginia—the headquarters of the Penn. Confce—and either hasten there in time for Conference on 24 & 25 May, or if they cant do that, then they had better find

Letter from Oliver Cromwell Hoskins, 13 May 1890

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: Sister Yarbock of Warhakie has made a claim on the mission for Fice Hundred ^and fifty^ Dollars, which she claims was due her husband for work done at the mission and Sawmill, in the years 1887 [1]899 Bro. Zundel claims that the mission owes her $196.80. But after carefull enquirey ^into the dificulty^ made a proposition that she take Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars to settle her claim. Provided we could get that amount. as thare is no funds or means on hand at the mission) She said she would be willing to take $500.00 to settle her claim but would not take less Therefore I submit it to you, for your consideration to see if the Church can help the Mission out in meeting this obligation hoping to hear from you soon I remain your Bro. in the Gospel Oliver C. Hoskins

Letter to Angus Munn Cannon, 13 May 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President A. M. Cannon Dear Brother: It has been thought wise to prepare another Reconstrance against the passage of the Disfranchisement bills now before Congress, which can be signed by persons—both men and women—of all parties, creeds and professions. Please give this matter that same prompt attention that you gave the former one, and like it, this should be signed in duplicate, one list being for the Senate, the other for the House of Representatives. It is highly desirable that no time should be lost in the circulation and return to Salt Lake City of this document, or it may possibly be too late to effect the good purpose for which it is intended. Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Jos. F. Smith

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, 13 May 1890

Salt Lake City, Utah, . President F. A. Hammond, San Juan Dear Brother: It has been thought wise to prepare another Remonstrance against the passage of the Disfranchisement Bills now before Congress, which can be signed by all persons, both men and women, of all parties, creeds and profes- sions. Please give this matter that same prompt attention that you gave to the former one and, like it, this should be signed in duplicate, one list being for the Senate and the other for the House of Representatives. It is highly de- sirable that no time should be lost in the circulation and return to Salt Lake City of this document, or it may possibly be too late to effect the good pur- pose for which it is intended. Your Brethren, Wilford Woodruff Jos. F. Smith

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 13 May 1890

Rexburg, Bingham Co, Idaho, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your favor of 6th inst. regarding Bishop Donaldson, Since I wrote you concerning the matter Bro. Donaldson has sold out here and gone back home. He now wishes to retain his position if this meets with your approval. Our anti-mormon friends are very busy here just now, two of our Brethren have been arrested lately, also they are engaged in land jumping wherever the law has not been fully complyied with and in some instances where it has. Sunday and Monday ^18 & 19th^ our conference at Louisville takes place. We hope to have some of the Brethren meet with us. I am Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks


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May 13, 1890