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Day in the Life

May 17, 1890

Journal Entry

May 17, 1890 ~ Saturday

17. I went to the City and Returned 6 mils


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May 19, 1890 ~ Monday May 19. The Spupreme Court of the United States Decided to day Against the Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints. They Decided to Escheat all the Church Property Real & Personal This is turning the last [FIGURE] [key] that will seal the condemnation of this Nation
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from George Teasdale, 17 May 1890
[sideways text] Geo. Teasdale 17 May 1890. Recd May 30, [end of sideways text] President W. Woodruff and Council. Dear Brethren: On Saturday last Elders Able J. Evans and David T Lewis, of the Welsh Mission and Edward Richins, of the Bristol Conference, left Liverpool, per Guion S.S. Nevada, for home having to return through ill health, and at the recommendation of their Conference Presidents. On Sunday last I attended a Conference of the Irish Mission at Belfast. There was only four baptisms reported in the last years statistical re- port. But since last Conference held there has been 12 baptized. The brethren are very energetic 16,700 tracts had been distributed, 17 Book of Mormon, sold, and 8 loaned, 4 presented to the public library. 118 of the cheap edition of the Voice of Warning had been sold, and 31 loaned, 4 presented to the public library. 33 open air meetings held. This is a good showing when we take into considera- tion there are only 62 members & officers in the miss- ion including 7 Elders from Utah, one of these, Elder Lewis Hunt, of Snowflake Arizona, was released to go home on May 24th. This week Elder Hans Hansen Jr, who arrived here Saturday April 26th with the miss- ionaries appointed to Scandinavia, returned to this office. He stated he was sick and could not stand


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May 17, 1890