Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1890

Journal Entry

July 13, 1890 ~ Sunday

13 Sunday we spent the day in camp reading singin & prayer

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Letter from W. H. Richey, 13 July 1890
Denver, Colorado, President Woodruff, Salt Lake Utah, My Dear Sir I would call your attention to the Lands for sale by this company. Comprising as the[y] do the very finest body of land (in one body) offered for sale in the cutiro west. At a Price and on terms that are very easy. The quality of the soil, abundance of water, the location near town and on rail road, the climate and great crops that are raised, the high prices obtained for all kinds of produce make them a most desirable location for colonists. Should you know of any colonies that are seeking a location, will pleased to give you such information as you may desire. Or will visit you and
Letter from George Teasdale, 13 July 1890
President Wilford Woodruff, and Council. Beloved Brethren: On Saturday last the 28th ult. the Fifth Company of this seasons [e]migration left Liverpool per Guion S. S. Wisconsin, in charge of Edler Abraham Maw, [wi]th Wm L. Stewart as his first, and H. H. Thomas as his second counsellors. Brother Geo. F. Phillips clerk of company. John T. King and James H. Newton returning missionaries. Elder James Johnson, of the Sugar House Ward, who [h]ad been visiting his friends, and obtaining some [g]enealogy, returned with this Company. We [te]legraphed you 123 had sailed, but there [w]ere only 113, one family by the name of Thos. D Lord turned back. This reduced the numbers as follows: 5 Missionaries 108 Emigrants 73 full and 15 half fares including missionaries We shall not send any more companies until August 2nd when another Company of British Saints will sail per Guion S. S. Wisconsin {God Willing} We are all well at 42, I am thankful to say; Brother Walter Hoge and L. R. Thomas are at- [te]nding to the business and emigration in the office and John E. Carlisle on the "Millennial
Letter from Harry Worley, 13 July 1890
Logan Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Your Letter of the 7th inst I have received in reply would say. I accept and andam willing to fill my Mission. But if possible would prefer to remain at Home untill after the Oct Conference as I have to get in my Havrvest and look after some other Buisness, so I can raise sufficient means to pay my Fare. Please let me know your mind in reference to the matter And Oblige Your Bro in the Gospel Harry Worley Give him the time required J. F. S.


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Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.

Jul 13, 1890