Day in the Life

Jul 14, 1890

Journal Entry

July 14, 1890 ~ Monday

14. The Brethren returned from the City did not find the Horses


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Letter from T. H. Stephens, 14 July 1890

Dear Sir I wish to join your community if you can give me a fixed monthly salary, a house & 2 wives. I am a Dentist of 15 years experience & expert at my work. I give Nitrous-oxide Gas for pain less operations & make artificial teeth on the new system, without plates, springs or catches. I shall be happy to attend to the teeth of all in your community & to visit out lying branch communities. I am very energetic. I am a captain of volunteers here & secretary of Rifle meetings & the champion rifle shot. I am a leading member of the Agri-Horticultural

Letter from Charles Speiermann, 14 July 1890

Brother W Woodroof President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Brother Hoping you will not be ofended by this letter and the request I am about to ask of you with due respect to the Priesthood and the high and holy office you hold. I am very much like the King of Babylon allthough only a poor humble working man I have had a dream and it has worked on me to such an extent that I feel anxious about it to know what it means. If the interpetation can be given or if it is wisdom to give it I should feel ever gratefull to you for it and to God for having given us Prophets Seers and Revelators in these the last days If it cannot be given I shall contend myself without it. Hoping Iand trusting you will

Letter from William Paxman, 14 July 1890

Nephi City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Beloved Brother, The time of commencing the quartly conference of this Stake of Zion, is next Saturday the 19th inst, And we will feel greatly blest of the Lord, if we can be favored with the presence of yourself, President Cannon, Some of the Apostles, aor Presidents of Seventies, as you may be directed, and circum- stances will permit. There are several vac^i^ences in the high counceilors to fill, as also a number of seventies to be ordained. And we realiaze, that we need all the strength that we can get in this day of oppossition to the work of God. I am pleased to state, that we are progressing favorably in making ready to start our Stake Academy

Letter from Janne Mattson Sjödahl, 14 July 1890

Manti . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear brother, Will you pardon me for asking you to give me an advice on a purely personal matter? I need an advice just now, in or- der to be guided right, and I hardly know whom to ask. It appears that one of the brethren of the "Des. News" staff is going to leave shortly, and br. Lambert kindly asks me, if I am willing to take his place at the office. At the same time, my brethren here in Manti wish me to apply for acceptance as a teacher of ^the^ Church-school service and to take charge of a Church-school, to be established


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Frank H. Dyer resigns as receiver under accusations of malfeasance of Church property and is replaced by Henry W. Lawrence.

Jul 14, 1890