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Day in the Life

Dec 21, 1890

Journal Entry

December 21, 1890 ~ Sunday

21 Sunday [FIGURE] Millen Atwood
Born May 24, 1817.
Died 17 Dec Aged 73 years
I attended the funeral of Millen
Atwood The following
Person spoke
H G Perks 6 M[inutes],
Br Aubury 4 M[inutes]
Nelson Empy 2 M[inutes]
E Taylor 6 M[inutes], G. Q. Cannon 5 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 14 M[inutes]. I went to the Grave about 60 carriges

At the close of the burial of Bishop Atwood in
company with G. Q. Cannon Attended the funeral
of Heanry Teasdeel several spoke at the funeral
including G. Q. Cannon


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

1966 mentions
4 mentions
1 mention
Taylor, Joseph Edward
11 Dec 1830 - 13 Feb 1913
60 mentions
Atwood, Millen
24 May 1817 - 17 Dec 1890
20 mentions
21 mentions
1 mention


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Dec 21, 1890