Day in the Life

Jan 3, 1891

Journal Entry

January 03, 1891 ~ Saturday

3rd I spent the day at the farm


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Jan 1, 1891 This is New Years day And the year that has been looked upon by many as one of the most important years of the world. There is a combination of all the wicked Men & Devels through the press and pulpit to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day from off the Earth Wickedness of Every kind is increasing throughout the World
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from George Lionel Farrell, 3 January 1891

Smithfield Prest. W. Woodruff, Dear Brother: Enclosed please find Brother Lars E. Danielson's answer concerning his appointment. Bro Danielson is an excellent man and is willing to go anywhere for the Gospel's sake, but his circumstances are rather poor at the present time, he has been building him a house and is in debt, and has only one room fur[n]ished at present, and all he is able to finish this season. I think it would be wisdom to let him remain at home another year so as to enable him to finish his house and get out of debt. I would suggest the name of James Nielson in his stead, or Theodore Gyllingskog, both good young men and would make good missionaries. Very Respectfully your Brother, Geo L. Farrell

Letter from Ellen Whittaker Lunt, 3 January 1891

Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Bro, You will be aware that Bro Henry Lunt is now residing in Pacheco, Mexico. he being very much in need of means to support his large family of small children that he has with him has offered his property in Cedar to his three sons here if they will raise him $2000.00 two thousand dollars in Cash, which amount they have tried to hire in Salt Lake City & other places but have failed. Now we wish to ask if you can furnish $1000.00 now and another $1000.00 in the spring total $2000.00/100 two thousand dollars.

Letter from Morgan David Warner, 3 January 1891

Spanish Fork President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I was called on a mission to Great Britain last Jily but owing to circumstances was released until I could better prepare myself I will be ready to go with the next company of missionarys that goes to Great Britain Let me know as soon as convient when that will be Your Brother in the Gospel Morgan D. Warner O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from William Mochrie Douglas, 3 January 1891

Smithfield, Utah, President Woodruff. Esq S L City. Dear Brother: Your notice of Dec 254th came duly to hand inquiring into my circumstances. I am willing to go and perform this call to the best of my ability. I think I can procure means enough to land myself in New Zealand, if all is well. Please inform me at your earliest convenience what a Missionaryies fare by R. R. & Steamer to New Zealand ^would be,^ and all other information that you can conveniently give. Awaiting your reply I am Yours Truly, Wm Douglass J. Bro Wm Douglass Jr. is a good Young Man & will fill a good Mission. Very Respectfully Your Brother Geo L. Farrell Bp. O. K. J. F. S. [sideways text] Answered W C S [end of sideways text]

Jan 3, 1891