Day in the Life

Jan 5, 1891

Journal Entry

January 05, 1891 ~ Monday

5 I signed 20 Recommends I receivd 21 Letters
^ An arrow^ I was taken with a severe Attack like the Billious
cholic I had to go home and was poorly throug the day


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Jan 1, 1891 This is New Years day And the year that has been looked upon by many as one of the most important years of the world. There is a combination of all the wicked Men & Devels through the press and pulpit to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day from off the Earth Wickedness of Every kind is increasing throughout the World
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Joseph Heber Thurber, 5 January 1891

President, Woodreff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, Yours of Dec 23 has been received, My Plurlal wife has but one child four years old. I think it would take $20 dollars per month to sustain that portion of my family that would be left were I to be called. In reguards to help from the Stake or Ward, I can say that I saw Prestd Seegmiller last night and he said that the Stake could do nothing for my family unless specialy requested to do so, and the Bishop of the Ward said that they were heavily taxed now by those drawing support from his Ward. I would ask permission,

Letter from Niels Olsen Nielson, 5 January 1891

Presidant, W. Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your favor dated Dec 30 [18]90 came duly to hand, Notifying me to prepair and take a Mission to my native Land (Sweeden) to proclaim the Everlasting Gospel. In reply will say I am very gratefull for such a privelige extended to me. I will endever to be at Salt Lake the time appointed I am very truly your Brother in Christ (Manti) Niels Olsen Nielson -over- I think I would excuse him on a/c. of his age, being 62 years old. J. F. S.

Letter from George Halliday, 5 January 1892

Am Fork Prest W. Woodruff Dear Brother, John Sykes wish me to write & say his Mother is now dead & buried, & he is ready to obey the call, to go on his mission whenever you may fix the day. But if it is not pressing that he should go at once, it would be much more convenient to go in the Spring, but he is willing to do as you say. Please let us know & oblige yours Respectfully Bp Geo Halliday If he could go about the beginning of Apr. I think it would be all right. J. F. S.

Letter from Arthur Stayner, 5 January 1891

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for Bill at Asahels 8 50 [Jan 5] Paid for Josephine work 3

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Peter Jenson Dr to Cash 20 00

Jan 5, 1891