Day in the Life

Jan 14, 1891

Journal Entry

January 14, 1891 ~ Wednesday

14 H. J. Grant returned from the East & gave us a
History of his Journal [journey] &c I signed 13 Recommend
I received 12 Letters I wrote 3 Letters to Phebe
sent her $5 for Flossy we met with Zions
Savings Bank
board we Borrowed $60000
Dollars of Western National Bank of New York


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Scholes, Florence Augusta Sears
18 Aug 1878 - 13 Jan 1959
13 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
276 mentions
34 mentions


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Letter from John F. W. Hoops, 14 January 1891

Bee, J. F. W. Hoops Recd Jan. 16, 1891 Dear Sir! I own a piece of Land here 160 acres, but i'm indebted fo much that i could't holded much longer, f and i read in the papers that yYour church bought some land in Colorado, fo so si thought if yYou would't buy my piece, it's very good land, there is a few hollows in it but they are all ^on^ one side and makes a very good pasture the rest is all level and not to level either, there is one little wet place on it about half an acre, there is 100 acres broke on it ^(under cultivation)^, but the railroad runs through it and takes away 12 acres, & so it leaves about 50 acres on side and 100 on the other. There is a little house on it a little stable and fence

Letter from Alva S. Porter, 14 January 1891

Porterville . Prest. Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Bro. Your favor of January 12th at hand. In reply I will say that in regard to this call, I feel to accept it as the will of the Lord. I desire to labor in whatever direction I may be called by those placed in authority, feeling that the greatest good will result therefrom. Your Brother in the Gospel, Alva S. Porter I feel to endorse the above, believing Bro Alva will be able to do much good in the field Yours in the Gospel J R Porter Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Edwin Alfred Stratford, 14 January 1891

Ogden, Utah, East—ST. LOUIS & N. Y. Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro: Yours of a recent date in reference to my performing a mission to Great Britain to hand, and in reply will state that I am willing to perform the mission to the best of my ability. There are several business matters which stand in the way of my leaving on the date you name, unless a settlment of them can be reached before that date. J E Carlisle, Jas P Smith and myself, who sold out the Utah Journal at Logan some eighteen months ago, are haveing trouble with one of the former owners,

Letter from Joseph Heber Thurber, 14 January 1891

President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother. Yours of the 7th Inst has been received, and can say that I except of your call to go as a missionery to the Sandwich Islands. I will get ready to start with the Elders that sails from San Francisco on the 7 of March, and sooner if possible. Will you pleas let me know how much it will cost me to take my self and wife to the Isles. I remain as ever your Brother in the Gospel. Jos. H. Thurber. Geo A Hatch bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

for Meat 1.50 Horces $3 Emma $10 14 51

Letter from Ward Eaton Pack Sr., 14 January 1891

Honolulu, Prest W. Woodruff Dear Brother I arrived here late last evening and find that a vessel will sail today for Cal I feel it my duty to write you this short note to inform you of our pros- pects. Knowing well your interest in this Mission, The Elders in the field who are preaching write very encou- rageingly and all seems to be going well. Some are being baptized, but in some places the Members are quite carless. Two of the four Elders who came here a short time since are remaining in the plantation one learning to boil sugar and the other is assisting Bro Fox, about the mill while Bros Hawkes, and Fisher are out amongst the natives studying their language Bro Brown seems to feel much better since his wife came.

Jan 14, 1891