Day in the Life

Jan 19, 1891

Journal Entry

January 19, 1891 ~ Monday

19. I signed 42 Recommends I received 24 Letters
I had an interview with Her Sachse from
Jermany & H Pelszole we had an interview
with Richards King Penrose & others it was
a Busy day


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Penrose, Charles William
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925
Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934
1 mention
King, William Henry
3 Jun 1863 - 27 Nov 1949


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Letter from Albert John Davis, 19 January 1891

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: In response to the call made upon me, regarding a mission to the Sandwich Islands, I accept it willingly and will be ready to start on the time appointed. There are no obstacles before me of a nature that I would shirk my duty as an elder; but my desire is that I may be an humble in- strument in the hands of God in promultgating his Gospel among any people whom I may be such to. I remain Your Brother in the Gospel, Albert J Davis. Levi W Reed Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from George Albert Holt, 19 January 1891

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your Letter of the 12 inst is at hand informing me to take A Mission to the Southern States and wishing to know my feelings in regard to this my feelings are to respond to this call and hope that I may be in Salt Lake at the appointed time I Remain as ever Your Brother in the Gospel George A Holt Robert Knell Bishop Pinto Ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Henry Davis Wallace, 19 January 1891

Prest., Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: Yours of the 5th Inst., was not received by me until last Saturday evening. After duly considering the same, I feel to thank you for the confidence reposed, and will with the help of the Lord be ready to go by the 3rd of March next. Your brother in the Gospel, Henry Wallace John Tingey Bishop 17th Ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Henry Wilde, 19 January 1891

Coalville, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your letter of 12th inst in wich you state that my name among others has been suggested to fill a mission to Great Britton, is duly receved and has been read & reread, many times. In reply will say, while I do not feel equal to the responsibility of such a labor, I do not feel as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Laterday Saints to shirk any duty foling upon me nor flinch at any call of the Presthood. I have been born & raised in the Church and desire to do all I can to promote its growth & welfare. Therefore if I am desired to Labor abroad, will say I am on hand & ready to go when called. Your letter, also says for me to prepare to leave Salt Lake City on the 224th of June. I can either go then or with the company leaving April 8th just as you direct awaiting your further advice I remain your Brother in the Gospel Jos H Wilde I can concientously recomend Bro Wild, ias a very earnest worker in the Cause of truth George Beard Bp. South Coalville Ward Good for Apr. 8th J. F. S.

Letter from William Hillyard, 19 January 1891

Smithfield President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received on Jan 10th a notification to go to Great Britian on a Mission before excepting or declining i wish to state to you my financial affairs. I have 18 acres of Land which i get one crop in two years which averages 20 bu per acre. I have a team and three Colts two Cows and two yearlings I own an intrest in a saw- mill which has give me

Letter from William Hillyard, 19 January 1891

William Hillyard

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 19 January 1891

C. O. Card Recd 26 Jan. 1891. [end of sideways text] Cardston Canada 19th Jan. 1891 Prest Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A. Dear Brother Knowing the deep interest you feel in the Canadian mission I venture to pen you this brief note. I returned to Cardston on the 16th instant and found all in their usial good health and spirits. Our meeting house was filled to overflowing yesterday (Sunday), and I bore your compliments to the saints here which cheered their hearts to learn that the presidency of the church was so mindful of them in this far off land. I find on my return over one hundred

Jan 19, 1891