Day in the Life

Jan 23, 1891

Journal Entry

January 23, 1891 ~ Friday

23. I signed 20 Recommends I received 18 Letters we set apart
5 women to represent in washington Utah interest

we administered to sister H J Grant I signed 65 instru-
ctor cirtificit we the Presidency held a Meeting with
the Twelve Apostles upon the sugar question


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Letter from Alva J. Butler, 23 January 1891
Pres. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother: Your letter of the 23rd, of last month received yesterday. In reply, I will say, that I am, at present, teaching the Dist. school, and the trustees would like me to continue until May, but if it is your desire that I should go at the time appointed or wait until May I will respond cheerfully and will be prepared, with the help of the Lord, knowing that it is my duty, to go as you direct. Your obedient servant in the cause of Truth, Alva J. Butler P. S. Please answer by return mail, so that I can prepare accordingly. Very respectfully, A. J. B. Alva Butler Bp. Granite Ward Address: Alva J. Butler, Butlerville P. O. Salt Lake Co., Utah. Give him all the time he needs and let him report when ready, & further if needed as a School teach
Letter from Job Measom, 23 January 1891
Lake Shore President. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother I recived yours of the 14th with suprise in answer, I would say my cercumstances are not so good as, I would like them to be. I can seeay, I have a enough to eat. But money, I have none. And If I dgo I will have to make a sacrifice off somethings to go. But If you say go, I will do the best I can to help my self. I remain your Brother, In the Gospel. Job Measom. Bp Lorenzo Argyle We do not want any body to make sac- rifice, to go on a mission. If this brother can not go feeling it is a blessing rather than a sacrifice, I would excuse him, but if he

Jan 23, 1891