Letter from Thomas Melhuish, 2 February 1891
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of yours of the
24th ulto and would beg to thank you very
much for your great courtesy in taking up my
I joined the Electrical & International Tel Coy
at Bridgend South Wales in 1860 as a
Telegraph Operator, the single needle was then
in use.
Thence I went to Port Talbot
Britonferry, Llanelly S Wales & thence to
Stourbridge, finally to Worcester Engd
in 1886 as Tel operator with the original
Morse Sounder system and wheatstones
automatic receiver attached.
In 1876 I was made Clerk in Charge
of the office, had 16 Clerks & 18 Messengers
to supervise, consequently was ^then^ mostly
relieved of Instrument work.
Have been mixed up with various branches