Day in the Life

Feb 3, 1891

Journal Entry

February 03, 1891 ~ Tuesday

23 I went to the Gardo & signed 29 Recommends
I received 10 Letters I wrote 8 Letters 5 pub[lic] & to Wm Thompson
Andrew Woodruff & Lou Woodruff we held a Meeting
with the two Bank committees & concluded to unite
the interest of the Savings Bank & State Bank I went
home quite unwell


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Woodruff, Andrew
10 Sep 1831 - 6 Oct 1916
18 mentions
Woodruff, William Thompson
1 Aug 1859 - 7 Apr 1935
13 mentions


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Letter from Henry Lewis, 3 February 1891

Lehi City Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother yours of the 2nd at hand and in responce to the Call that is made upon me I Excpt with Pleasure and I shall endevor to fill the mission to the best of my ability with the help of the Lord. I remain your Brother in the Gospell Henry Lewis Good. J. F. S. I cheefully endorse the above Thomas. R. Cutler Bishop

Letter from James Franklin Prince, 3 February 1891

Harmony Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother. Yours of the 21st ult. at hand notifying me of my call to take a mission to the Northern States. I acknowledge the hand of the Lord in it and accept it as such and will be at the Historians Office to be set apart 1st June 1891 Your Brother in the Gospel James F Prince Wm. A. Redd Bp. P.S. If there are any Elders going about the time stated, that I could have company to go with I would be very thankful to know it, and if it should be two weeks sooner would endeaver to be ready Yours Etc. J P O.K. J. F. S. Let him go sooner, if needed. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph W. Carpenter, 3 February 1891

St. George, Utah, . Prest Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Yours in answer to my inquiry to hand and noted. Thanks for answering same, and for good advice. I think matters can be arranged satis- factory all around. Yours, with kind regards, Joseph W. Carpenter Printer & Publisher St. George Box 512. Utah

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash for Jan 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Table Lining $30 $20 Coal $22 child Bil $13.30 83 30

Feb 3, 1891