Day in the Life

Feb 4, 1891

Journal Entry

February 04, 1891 ~ Wednesday

4 I arose sick in the Morning I went to the Gardo
at Noon I signed 17 Recommends I received 17 letter
I met with the Board of the Bank Meeting I was quite
poorly all day


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Letter from J. F. Clark, 4 February 1891

Norfolk, Neb. . Prest Woodruff, Mormon Church Salt Lake City Utah. Hon Sir, What encouragement; and financial aid can you give to start out an honest advocate of the doctrine's of the Latter Day Saints I spent six months prior to Jany 1st 1891 in Utah in diligent serch after the truth relating to the mormon people; and the attitude assumed by the U. S. government toward your people; and as a result of my investigations I became convinced that great injustice, and irreposible wrong was constantly being done that people by the federal officers of the Gov, so much so that I am willing to give my time talents and God given powers in their behalf in order that the truth the whole truth may be told and published. I am a lawyer of note and ability.

Letter from Samuel Lee, 4 February 1891

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear brother I received your Letter Some time ago but have been absent from home ever since I received it, or I would have answered it sooner. I being Called to go to Great Briten I feel it my duty to respond to the Call and I will be ready to Start at the time apointed if all is Well. I feel like going and doeing the best I can I will Close for this time I am as ever your Brother Samuel Lee.

Letter from John William Hyde, 4 February 1891

Logan, Utah Prest. Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake City: Utah: Dear Brother: I have received your notification of my being selected for a mission to the Netherlands, and will say in reply that I am perfectly willing to undertake the duty. I can be in perfect readiness by the date specified and will follow your instruc- tiosns as closely as possible. Respectfully, Your Brother in the Gospel, Wm. Hyde I can fully endorse the above with kindest regards to yourself Henry Ballard Bp of Logan 2nd Ward Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 5 February 1891

Rexburg, Idaho, Presd. T. E. Ricks You would confer a great favor by answering a Question which has perplexed me very much at times. As there are quite a fiew of the aged Brethren who ought to be ordained to the office of High Priests, the Question arises who has the proper authority to ordain them? Some claim that none but the Twelve Apostels hold that right, others maintain that is the duty of the President of the Stake, while others hold, that it devolves upon the President of the High Priests Quorum. In order to avoid conflict & to be assured which is right in the matter, I should certainly be very grateful to receive a speedy reply to my Inquiry Hoping you will favor me with a speedy answer I Remain Your Brother in the Bonds of the everlasting Gospel Henry Flamm. Prest of H.P. Quorum

Letter from George Orrin Pitkin, 4 February 1891

Prest Woodruff Geo Q Cannon and Joseph ^F^ Smith Dear Breathren 4 years ago last August Prest John Taylor caled mee to perside in this stake and at that time Prest C O Card was getting 15.00 ^Fifteen^ Dollars per year he received the monney and I did the work I labored 4 years the 2 last yeasrrs I received 800 Dollars per year Prest Orson Smith gets 800 per year from the time he commenced his labors as the Prest and his Councliers get 400 per year ^each^ and it seems to mee that I worked faithful, and if it is right to pay one it would be right to pay 2

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received from Chorch 350

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

James Burgess & Isabella Lambert of Logan Paid for Divorce 10

Feb 4, 1891