Day in the Life

Feb 6, 1891

Journal Entry

February 06, 1891 ~ Friday

6 I signed 38 Recommends I received 23 letter
I wrote 7 Letters 5 pub[lic] & to Bleak & Sarah


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Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner, 6 April 1891

Minersville Brother Woodruff Dear Sir As I have an opertunity to go to Manti tomorrow to do a work for my Dead, and the only chance I have had for years; I appeal to you, for your sanction to the same, to be sent to the President of the Temple so as to be there; when I get there. I could not get Mr Murdocks signature as he is in Salt Lake Yours with Respect Mary E Lightner

Letter to Orson Smith and Counselors, 6 February 1891

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Prest. ORSON SMITH and COUNSELORS, Cache Stake of Zion. Dear Brethren: Your recommendation of Jany. 26th that Elder J. F. Wright be ordained and set apart as Bishop of Hyrum has our approval. Please consult with Elder Moses Thatcher or Elder M. W. Merrill, and at a date convenient to one or both of them to be present, arrange for Elder Wright's presentation to the people of the ward and his ordination. This appointment will, of course, release him from the call made upon him to take a mission to Great Britain. With kindest regards, We are your brethren, Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter from L. D. Hickey, 6 February 1891

[sideways text] L D Hickey Coldwater Rcd Feb 16 [18]91 [end of sideways text] Coldwater, Mich Feb 6, [18]91. Box 401 Wilford Wood. Haveing been called of God in the days of the Martyr, & by him & you taught to believe the Bible B of M, D & C I am this day what I am, Firm in the faith that Angels came to Joseph & Oliver, & that by the Revelations through Joseph, we can make our calling & election sure. At the death of Joseph, I was in Mich, & had not read the D & C much, But on reading it I found that God had promised to plant another inhis stead. In [18]46, I was in Nauvoo & heard the debate between Parley Pratt & James Shaw on the claims of James J. Strang. There I discovered from the D & C that the (12) had made a mistake & that instead of (12) leading the Church, there was only one to take the place of Joseph. I took the matter up in all candor & found that Joseph did by revelation appoint Mr. Strang. I at once endorsed him & stood by him, until he was shot. He was all he claimed to be & I can witness to all nations, kindred & people that Joseph & James were both Prophets of the Lord. James translated the plates got from Laban, (or part of them,) which makes a Book of (336) pages. This is the Book of Law, that was lost from Israel of Old & it is to be the Law of the land eventually our people ought to have it. I dont know but you have seen it. If not I hope for the good of all our people, I hope you will get it, & reccommend it. It is the greatest Book of all the earth. When Prophet Strang was shot, the mob came in & took our [Priz], Libury & all they could carry But as ^as^ the Book of Law was unbound some (800) or more they did not want them & we got them away. This Law is what we have all get to [upside down text] When I was with James, we had polygamy & did not deny it. Though we used wesdom. I hold to it now & [toller] it. [end of upside down text]

Letter from Nathan Bennett Baldwin Sr., 6 February 1891

Fillmore Presidents W Woodroof, G Q Cannon Bisop O F Whitney S L City U T Dear brethren In reading the account of the cerimonies, of the laying the corner stone, for the building of the Utah sugar works, I noticed, (amoungst the contributions of papers, dollars, dimes, and other articals, deposited in the stone,) a two dollar bill of Kirtland money, by Andrew Genson. This brought vividly to my mind, some of the early labours of this Church; one part of which I acted, being a stone-cutter, was to cut, and fit the pillars, or posts, to receive the iron door of the vault in which was deposited the banks valuables. I had stock in that bank and the first instalment paid: but I never drew any money from

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received from Z C M I Div 40 35

Feb 6, 1891