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Day in the Life

Feb 21, 1891

Journal Entry

February 21, 1891 ~ Saturday

21 I spent the day at the farm I sent my
Photograph to James W Howarth I wrote
2 letters to Newton & Sarah


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Woodruff, Newton, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
151 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
694 mentions


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Letter from Charles William Stayner, 21 February 1891
C. W. Stayner Washington D. C. Rec Feb 29 [18]91 [end of sideways text] NORTHERN STATES MISSION Of the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. HEADQUARTERS. No. Box 474 STREET, Washn D. C. Feb 21st 1891. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir and Brother; I trust you will pardon me, but the Saints in this Mission are so scattered and many of them so poor, that they are as yet unable to support the Mission Fund, sufficiently to pay the expenses re- quired for our three semi-annual Con- ferences. We hold one in Kansas, one in Indiania and one in W. Virginia or Pennsylvania ^each Spring and Fall.^ As you know, these points are quite distant from each other and the methods of reaching them rather more expensive then a direct trip across the Continent; as we have to pay local routes some of the way, and it is ^also^ high on branch roads compared with through transporta- tion. I am sorry to trouble you, as I had hoped to make the mission entirely selfsustaining by this Spring, but must again trespass on your goodness for an allowance for these conting- ent expenses, to enable me to visit the Conferences,
Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 21 February 1891
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Box B. Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: Many questions ar- rise during our experience in this mission some of ^which^ I and my brethren are unable to answer. One particu- larly rises in my mind and that one is the rise, pro- gress and winding up of the Kirtland Bank. So far as any published information is concerned we have failed to find out much in relation to this subject. In a general way we know it was established and we believe all its l[i]abilities cancelled when it suspended payment. Perhaps Bro. Reynolds will take the trouble to col- late a few items and send here to enlighten our ignorance. It is customary for the president of the mission to visit the Swiss & German missions and also the Scandinavian country, I believe Bro Teasdale neglected it last year and the brethren who preside wish to know the time when I can come to them. I expect to go soon but would like your sanction to do so. Have rented a small ready furnished house about one hour from 42 situated at New Brighton, we all feel that to spend the summer here will be too great a drain on our health. We shall try and pay for the rent.

Feb 21, 1891