Day in the Life

Mar 10, 1891

Journal Entry

March 10, 1891 ~ Tuesday

March 10, 1891
A hard snow storm in the Morning I went to the Gardo
& signed 24 Recommends I received 9 Letters I had an
interview with F. S. Richards H. B. Clawson and
others. The storm cleared off {To the lake and back} 26 mils


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Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912


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Letter from Mary A. Coheel, 10 March 1891
Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: My daughter, her husband and four children living at Kent in England want to come to Utah. The Relief Society of this place, have donated (90) ninety Dollars, and I have got (35) Thirty five dollars, myself, by Washing and Sewing. I think that we could get a little more, say 10 or 15 Doll- ars. I wish to know if you would or could help me to the remainder to Emi- grate them. I send you a note from Elder Elisha H Davis whos had been traveling in that District, which says it will take ($250) Two Hundrend and fifty Dollars, the Two eldest are girls, my son- in-law, will not agree to let his wife, or children, come a head, for fear he will loose his situation. I certainly would be, and consider my self under lasting obligations to you if you could pave the way to assist them to the remainder necessary to Emigrate them. Please write me what can be done in the Premises. Very Respectfully, Mary A. Coheel [Pr]. S.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
To Jospehine $3. Owen $10 13
Telegram from Alexander Findlay Macdonald, 10 March 1891
Received at Salt Lake 9:21 p Dated Chihuahua, Mex 10 To Press W Woodruff c/o Moses Thatcher. Muller objects separating mountain tract from Colony dublan must Close now for all or none Shall we answer. A. F. MacDonald


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Mar 10, 1891