Day in the Life

Mar 14, 1891

Journal Entry

March 14, 1891 ~ Saturday

14 I spent the day at the farm reading


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Letter from Severin Jeppe Jeppesen, 14 March 1891
Logan President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro In answer to your favor of Mar 11th I desire to report that I will be ready to start for the mission to Great Britain in company with Elders leaving Salt Lake City Apl 11th Your Bro in the Gospel S. J. Jeppesen I fulley, endors the call B M Lewis Bp
Letter to Thomas Cottam, 14 March 1891
Dear Brother Cottam We did not know that Alice was writing to you, we dont want you to send her the likenesses she asks for A child don't know what she asks for when she asks for such things she can have ours when we have done with them I have just got up from a weeks sickness with the Lagrip I was quite sick but I am at my post again Emma sends Love & will send you one of her likenesses. We are all as well as usual. Now We have been having a good deal of snow rain & mud but it is now Drying up Give my our love to Wm & family not forgetting Amelia or the Cottams Your Brother W. Woodruff
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
To Josephine $3.50 Emma $5.50 9


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Mar 14, 1891