Day in the Life

Mar 13, 1891

Journal Entry

March 13, 1891 ~ Friday

13 I signed 128 Recommends I received 104 Letters
I had met with Sister Zina, Jane R, & Sister Franklin S
they gave an account of their Mission at Washington


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Letter from Alfred S. Hadden, 13 March 1891
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Please send me an order on President William H Seegmiller for three hundred and fifty Dollars ($35000) I want it for to buy me a home here in Joseph The same to apply on that old account of mine Please sent it as soon as you can and oblige Your Brother in the Gospel A. S. Haddan Address to Alfred S. Haddan Joseph Sevier Co Utah
Letter from Edward H. Anderson, 13 March 1891
[end of sideways text] Agust 29 Den skandinaviske Missions Kontor. Lorentzensgade Nr. 14, 1. Sal. Kjebenhavn President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: We need thirty missionaries for the Scandinavian Mission as early as possible in the Fall of 1891. As to nationality and dialect, they should be divided as follows: Danish, 8: for Stockholm and Göteborg, Sweden, 12; for Skåne, Sweden, 4; for Christiania, Norway, 6. Our progress during the past four months, has averaged that of the past two winters. A number of the older brethren, however, have been unable to work, owing to sickness, which has crippled our work some. As far as I know; all are now well. The present edition of the Danish Hymn Book is nearly exhausted, and before a new edition is published, the work should be carefully revised, which should be done so that we could send it to press next winter. I think this labor is of great importance, as it is a fact that our hymns have a great influence in spread- ing the truth, and numbers of people have been con- verted by hearing and reading our songs. I suggest, therefore, that a committee of interested and capable Scandinavians be selected to do the revising, which, to save expence, should be done at home in Utah, and the work sent over here for publication. To make it what it should be, there are a number of improvements needed


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Mar 13, 1891