Day in the Life

May 12, 1891

Journal Entry

May 12, 1891 ~ Tuesday

12 I signed 16 Recommends I received 7 Letters
I had rather a quiet Day I was visited By Mr Lomax the
Ticket Agent of the UP. And others


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Letter from George Teasdale, 12 May 1891
Prest W. Woodruff & Council Salt Lake City, U.T. Dear Brethren: On Tuesday April 14 we left Pacheco and drove to Elder Geo C. Williams ranch at Cave Valley in the morning and in the afternoon we visited Bro. Helaman Pratt's ranch and in the evening we held a meeting at Bro Geo C Williams which was well attended several coming from Pacheco. It was a fine moonlight night and all expressed themselves well paid for coming to meeting. We visited ^the Caves &c^ the next day in Cave Valley and on Thursday ^16 April^ commenced our return trip. We had a rough ride down the Kanyon and staid over night at Bro Pratts at the mouth of the Kanyon. On Friday 17th We returned to Juarez and stayed at Bro Eyrings. We attended the meet- ings on Sunday S. S. afternoon & evening services and the Y. M. Mutual Improvement on TuMonday and stayed at Juarez until Thursday when we left for Colonia Doublan about 17 miles from Juarez and held a meeting in the evening. On Friday 24 April in company with Bros W. A. B. Call, Winslow Farr and Isaiah Cox we drove over the proposed ground for the canal and reservoirs. This took the day. On Saturday at 2 pm we held a meeting in the School House which was crowded to overflowing* [see following page] and in the evening held a Priesthood Meeting. Present 1 Apostle 10 Seventies 16 High Priests 8 Elders 5 Priests 3 Teachers 12 Deacons 55 Total. The next day Sunday attended the Sabbath School. The officers are
Letter from George Teasdale, 12 May 1891
Colonia Diaz, Prest . Woodruff & Council, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: To continue my account of labors in this mission, forwarded you last week. On Tuesday April 14th, we left Pacheco and drove to Elder Geo C. Williams ranch, some 5 or 6 miles from Pacheco, through the mountains, at Cave Valley. We left in the morning and arrived at Bro. Williams for dinner. In the afternoon we visited Bro. H. Pratts ranch, and in the evening held a meeting at Bro. Williams', which was well attended, several coming from Pacheco. It was a fine clear moonlight night. A most excellent spirit in our meeting, so much so all expressed themselves well paid for coming to meeting. We stayed at Bro. Williams' who is very comfortably off, very different from the time when I left four years ago. We had to stay over with the family the next day. Bro H. Pratt left us here as there was a "roundup" of the stock. A party of us went to explore the famous caves in this valley and in the evening we had an enjoyable gathering at Bro. Williams. On Thursday, Apl 16th, we started on our return trip. We had a rough drive down the Kanyon and over the rocky roads and staiyed all night at Bro. Pratts at the mouth of the Kanyon. It was a days drive to this point. On Friday, the 17th we returned to


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 12, 1891