Day in the Life

May 11, 1891

Journal Entry

May 11, 1891 ~ Monday

11. I signed 45 Recommends Received 28 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letters to M. Hatch


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Hatch, Melinda Woodruff
15 Dec 1826 - 29 Mar 1893
63 mentions

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Letter from H. C. Stinson, 11 May 1891

Salt Lake City, Wilford Woodruff, Pres't. Church of Zion City My Dear Sir— Having come to your city for the purpose of publishing a com- prehensive work on the Trade and Resources of Utah, we shall be most glad to confer with you regard- ing the same and respectfully ask you to kindly name a time when we may have a few minutes inter- view with you. Do us the favor to grant an interview at your ear- liest convenience, please. Most respectfully yours Chicago Review Pub'g Co. per H. C. Stinson Add White House

Letter from William A. Barr, 11 May 1891

Hutchinson Kan The enmity of God is to Put Resistance in the woman And Progression in the man Therefore man is a Political Power or elimint And the woman is ^a^ Resisting Power Be[c]aused of being Deceived the The enmity of God then is his Son Jesus Christe or the word of God Betwene the Polytics of the world and the woman or the church How do we get the word of God; God sent his only be goten Son in to the world that who Soever Believeth on him might have everlasting Life here Faith in God is established as a Base or a Foundation by whitch we may Receive the word of God

Letter from Charles William Stayner, 11 May 1891

Washington D. C. Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and Smith; Dear Brethren: I feel that it would be proper to inform you of the Conference just held in the Philippi Dist^r^ict of the Pennsylvania Conference. All the Elders of that Conference were present and addressed the people present. Six meetings were held, and owing to the Schoolhouses being refused, three were held in private houses and three in the open air. On the Sunday morning we had an attendance of over a hundred outsiders in a grove tendered us by a gentleman who is investigating; and two Campbellite preachers were present. At the close of the meeting they made some objections, but on being answered, they went away quite crestfallen. In the afternoon, a much larger congregation turned out, and they ^(the preachers)^ were present again, but said nothing. I spoke to the people, and have seldom felt greater power in my ministerial labors. Se-

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Josephine $7 to McA 3, Store $6 16

Letter from Charles Ellis, 11 May 1891

Monday, President Woodruff, Dear Friend: You said to us on Friday that you had ordered a note sent to me accepting my propo- sition in reference to the pamphlet. I have not yet seen it, and fearing it may have been mislaid or missent I beg to call your attention to the matter. Respectfully, Yours, Charles Ellis East 2nd North St


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 11, 1891