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Day in the Life

May 23, 1891

Journal Entry

May 23, 1891 ~ Saturday

23. I spent the day at the farm it rained hard


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Letter from Harrison Sperry, 23 May 1891
Brother Woodruff Dear Brother. Bro William Crwther Has braught his notice To me. Where in he Has ben Caled on a mission to the northern states. He is very willing To respond to the call. But would be thankfull If it could be changed To England. as he wishes To geather up some of His geneology in his native- land. and preach the gospell To his kindred Bishop Harrison Sperry
Letter from James Edward Talmage, 23 May 1891
Presidents Woodruff and Cannon, Gardo House, City; Dear Brethren: In accordance with your request, I have con- sulted with Brother Trejo regarding his position as teacher of Spanish, and the remuner- ation he would desire during the summer months. Not finding you at your office today, and expecting to leave for Europe to-morrow, I take this manner of reporting to you the results. My opinion of Brother Trejo's efficiency as a teacher, as also upon the success which has attended his labors with our students in Spanish, I have already expressed to you. He seems well satisfied with the arrangements of the past, in matters of salary. He dislikes the thought of having to abandon the work altogether, and return to unsuit- able labor for a livelihood, during the summer vacation, and says he would be well satis- fied with half pay until the next school year opens. This, I believe, covers the extent of the enquiries you directed me to make. I trust the answers will be satisfactory. Thanking you for many kind assistances to me personally, and wishing you all pros- perity and peace in your great labors for and among the people of God, I am, Very truly your brother, J. E. Talmage, per W. D.


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

May 23, 1891