Day in the Life

Jun 15, 1891

Journal Entry

June 15, 1891 ~ Monday

15 I signed 15 Recommends I receivd 6 Letters
I met with the Z.C.M.I. Board

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Letter from Oscar Attewall Robinson, 15 June 1891

Kanab Presidaent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter as a call to the Southern States nearley a week a go while on the range I am very inexperienced in the Gospel and know but little about the same but feel like doing what those who are placed over me in the Gospel wish me to do. I will be ready to start any time after the fifteenth of September. Your Bro in the Gospel Oscar Robinson. PS The Bishop being absent I will have it signed by his Councilor's. A. D. Young Asa [ink blot] Judd

Letter from Charles R. Clark, 15 June 1891

Morgan City, Prest. Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother: Your letter of 6th inst. at hand and contents considered. I accept the mission to the United States. If acceptable, I desire time till Fall. Should you need me before, I am on hand at a moment's notice; and desire that our Father's will be done in the matter. Yours in the Gospel Chas R. Clark. I endorse the above answer O B Andersen Bishop of, North Morgan Ward. Unless urgently needed before, give him till fall. J. F. S. Ansd July 21 [18]91

Letter from Henry Nebeker Jr., 15 June 1891

Payson Preident Wooruff Dear Sir In reply to yours of the 14 I can say I was some what surprised as you would naturaly Expect. my wife's health is quite Poorly at present she is trubled with apoplexy and has been bothered for nine years and untill she gets Better I dont think it would be safe for me to go she has a baby 9 months old and as soon as her health and my circum stances p will permit I am on hand I remain as Ever Your Brother in the Gospel Henry Nebeker, Jr Joseph S Tanner see over

Letter from Joseph Hyrum Schvaneveldt, 15 June 1891

Gentile Valley June 15th 1891 President Wilford Woodruff I received your letter stating that I had been suggested as a missionary to the southern states In answer I will say that circumstances are such that I can not very well leave untill fall As I ^have^ got to prove up on my Land and make such other arrangements as are necsary before starting Please let me know how late in the fall I can start. Respectfuly J H Schvaneveldt R. H. Williams Bp Give him till fall. J. F. S.

Letter from John M. Huber, 15 June 1891

Midway, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: In answer to yours of 25th ult. in which I have been selected as a missionary to Switzerland and Germany to be ready to from Salt Lake City sometime in October. In reply I would say that I accept the call, and am willing to do all in my power for the spreading of the Gospel in those nations. I hope with the help of the Lord to be able to do some good, in those lands. May the work of the Lord prosper at all times are the wishes of, Your Brother in the Gospel, John M. Huber. Correct. D. Van Wagenen, Bishop. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from John McQueen, 15 June 1891

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of the 12th Calling me to fill a mission to Great Britain. Will say that it will Crowd me to get ready by the first date named (July 18th) but will be on hand Sept. 5th Your Brother in the Gospel John McQueen I take pleasure in reccommending Elder J. Mcqueen for the Mission above refered to W. C. Parkinson Bishop O.K. J. F S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Received for Valley House rent Jaqus 80


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

Jun 15, 1891