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Day in the Life

Aug 3, 1891

Journal Entry

August 03, 1891 ~ Monday

3rd This is Election day 3 parties in the field
Democratts Republicans & Liberals I signed
5 public Letters it was a vary hot Day I met
with several parties It is reported that the
Liberals gained the Election in Salt Lake City


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Letter from James T. B. Mason, 3 August 1891
Egin, Idaho, Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I received your letter of July 30th Aug. 2nd calling me on a mission to Samoa. I am willing to go and believe I could arrange my affairs except that I am under $1000.00 bonds to answer to a charge of Unlawful Voting. The time for my trial has been set twice and postponed and is not ^likely^ to be disposed of before Sep- tember. Respectfully your brother in the Gospel James T. B. Mason W. M. Parker Bp Parker Ward See over.

Aug 3, 1891