Day in the Life

Oct 22, 1891

Journal Entry

October 22, 1891 ~ Thursday

22 I signed 34 Recommends I received 18 Letters
we met with the Twelve & had Prayers we
met with quite a Number of parties

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Letter from Niels Joseph Nielsen, 22 October 1891
President. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother. In regard to the call made of me, I am wiling to go and with the help of the Lord do the best I can, although I have no ready means to go on but if required I will borrow it and be their at the time specified I remain your Brother In the Gospel, N J. Nielson, J. F. Wright Bp I hope he can make some turn to get the means he needs without having to borrow it. Otherwise this is all right J. F. S.
Letter from John McCarthy, 22 October 1891
Recd 24 [Oct. 1891] [end of sideways text] Smithfield. Cache Co, Utah. October 22nd 1891. President Woodruff, Dear Brother: I am strongly impressed to write to you; for my time here will not belong, under physical existing circumstance. The Lord said through the lips of the Seer in Kirtland, May 6th 1833. Verily, thus saith the Lord, it shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh their sins and com- eth unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyth my v[o]ice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face: and know that I am. These burning words of divine language I believe as truely as the sun now shines upon me; and if I said that I know it, I might not overstep the bounds of modesty and truth; but it is sufficient at present to say, I truly b^e^leive it. It is said "that all truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placd it to act for itself, as all intelligence olso, otherwise there is ^no^ existence." My experience in this Church for 39 years, differs in some points from some other men; for I was eight months teaching repentance to the nations before I heard the word Mormon; neither did I ever hear of that Book. Elder John Murdock and Charles W. Wandell
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Emma $10 Blanch 4 sugar $6.50 20 50


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Oct 22, 1891