Day in the Life

Nov 20, 1891

Journal Entry

November 20, 1891 ~ Friday

20 I signed 17 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I signed 67 ZCMI stocks My grand Daughter
Vedi was taken Dangerously sick supposed with
Diptherea I visited her in the Evening & laid hand
upon her & she seemed Better I attended the Ball
Appointed for Deseret Hospital I staid untill 12 {o'clock}


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Beebe, Vedi Clare Byer
5 May 1888 - 28 Feb 1964
26 mentions


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Letter from J. W. Holmes, 20 November 1891
Nicholas C. H. W. Va. . First President, Church of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah Ty. Dear Sir: It is not without hesitation that I address this to you. It has been my experience that those in high places in churches are apt to care but little for the good of others. But, nevertheless, I can not but feel certain that I am addressing one who will cheerfully reply to my inquiries. Last May I was put in communication with Elder Stayner, of Washington, D. C. who sent me some tracts and books. Since which time I have been carefully and prayerfully seeking the true light that lighteth every man coming into the world. I have been a member of the Baptist church, which probably comes nearest to the apostolic church of the first days. Nevertheless, that body does not obey Christ's commands in full, and has wandered far from the fountain of Truth. I have tried by seeking to find out God. I have failed to find Him. The Methodist and Presbyterian and all others—in none can I find a place of comfort for my weary heart. God's presence is not with them and they are mere clubs of worldlings.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
work on House 28 84 rent money to Nellie 4 00 Nellie Woodruff page 6 Cr April 16 28 Cr By Rent 6
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid Phebe & Store $5 5


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Nov 20, 1891