Day in the Life

Dec 17, 1891

Journal Entry

December 17, 1891 ~ Thursday

17. I spent the day at home quite sick Emma is sick


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions

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Letter from Thornvald N. Olsen, 17 December 1891

Salt Lake City President W. Woodruff Your valued letter of the 8th inst: came to hand and I assure you I deeply feel the assurance of confidence which it implies it is but a little over a year since i lost two of my children and as you are aware the expenses of such a time are not easily overcome but I am gradually gaining and if at present i hardly feel able to accide to your call I shall be so in the near future if my servises can be of value to the

Letter from William Glover McAlister, 17 December 1891

Logan, Utah, First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Brethern: I rec'd a notice asking my circumstances in regards to ta- king a mission to Europe in the spring of "92." I will be able to go about the 1st of May as I understand there is a company going to start at that time. Please let me know if that time will do. As I would like to go the same time as Bro Rastus Cole. Your Bro in Gospil W. G. Mcalister O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from James Meier, 17 December 1891

Salt Lake City, Utah. To the Office of the 1st Presidency of the Church Dear Brothern! I have Received your esteemed Letter from Dec 8th inst, and I beg to inform you that I am verry sorry to state that I am not ready yet to take a mission to Europe. My Wife's health has been verry poor and she is under Doctors Treatement now, also I had my little girl sick about 2 years she had a spinal Desease Combined with Rheumatisme, and also Heart failure. We have now 5 small Children the oldest Boy will be 12 years of age this month, and even if we would send him to work we could not depend on him a particle as we tried him, he is careless and indifferent and need his fFather to Teach him as he is verry easaly misslead. The girl next to him is 10 years old she has been sick now about 2 years for months we had to carrie her from 1 Room to the other, and only now she is able to help my wife somme

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

to Emma $109^1^, to Owen $15 Eve $6 421

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 17 December 1891

[end sideways text] WILFORD WOODRUFF, PRESIDENT, KARL G. MAESER, D. L. D. GEN. SUPERINTENDENT, GEO. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY. Office of the GENERAL BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Provo, December 17th 1891 President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In conformity with the program of travel submitted to you in my letter of the 11th ult., I left Provo, Wednesday, November 18 with the D. & RG. Ry, at 11:40 AM, Bro. Wm. C. Spence having kindly provided me with halffare passes as far as Holbrook, and with a letter from the Supt. of the Southern Pacific to insure me halffare rates for my return trip via California. I arrived at Holbrook, Saturday, Nov. 21, at 1 P.M. and was received at the station by Pres. Jesse N. Smith and some other bretheren. An appointment had been made for me to address that evening the people at Woodruff which I did on the leading subjects Churchschools, Religion Classes, Sundayschools, and M. I. Associations, and the much needed assistance and cooperation of the Fireside. As these have been the mainsubjects ^of^ all my public addresses during my four weeks labors in Arizona, I do not need to refer to them here again when speaking of the other places. I addressed during that period 13 public meetings, visited 4 churchschools, 3 districtschools, 12 Sundayschools, 2 Primaries, in all of whom I had to give some remarks to the children, held 3 meetings with educational boards,


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Wilford decides temple recommends will be signed by Bishops and Stake leaders only, not by Church president.

Dec 17, 1891