Day in the Life

Jan 9, 1892

Journal Entry

January 09, 1892 ~ Saturday

9 I spent the day at home I done some choreing

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Letter from Charles Turner, 9 January 1892

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lack City Dear Bror, C. G. Turner is A Member of South Morgan Ward in full fellowship and is willen to comploy with the call and we will do our best to have him in the City on time to fill the Call Your Bror in the gospel Charles Turner Bp All right J. F. S.

Letter from Daniel Duncan McArthur, 6 January 1892

Recd To Prest. McArthur. missionary report from Santa Clara Ward.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 9 January 1892

Rexburg, Idaho, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Referring to ours of 8th ult. in which we asked if you could assist us in the matter of our townsite, as we have not received any reply we are fearful that you may have wrote us and your letter been way- laid by our post office folks here in whom we have not much confidence. If however you have not written us we would be pleased to hear whether we may expect anything, we are so much embarrassed in this matter we do not know which way to turn Your Brother in the Gospel T. E Ricks

Letter from George Q. Coray, 9 January 1892

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Wilford Woodruff, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Dear Sir: Among the books of the Deseret University library I have found very few works on the doctrines or history of the Latter-day Saints. Though a complete collection of ^the^ books and pamphlets pertaining to the Mormon people would be a very valuable attachment to the library, to pur- chase them at this time would not be practicable. I therefore respectfully ask whether as President of the Church you will consider the question of presenting to the University as a free contribution such works of the character discribed as you may think proper. With great respect G Q Coray Librarian

Letter from V. D. Cram, 9 January 1893

Pres'd Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I am under the necessity in writing to you fro which you will please excuse me. What I wish to understand is an explanation upon what constitutes a public offence, there is a vast difference with the people of this place, as to what constitutes a public wrong, and they read, Sec 42 Par 91 of Doc & Cov's with unda different understanding. In a Court that was held in this place upwards of 3 months ago, there was testimony given that was not true, by 4 of the witnesses; that testimony made the prosecu- tion out a lier. And in that Court there was upwards of 50 people, and the centiment of those that were men of families where, that those witnesses swore to a lie. The verdict of the Jury was baised upon that testim- ony, and the thief was turned floos. After this one of the witnesses was brought up before the Teachers, and an inves- -taigation was held and before those Teachers this witness did state that he did sware to a falshood in that court, & confressed to that effect. In this investigation a question arose weather this person (the witness) would have to get up before the public and there acknowledge to his wrongs, this was talked pro & con, at this investigation, and the concl- usion was arrived at, by the majority of the Teachers, that this witness was to make a public confession, and was so to report

Jan 9, 1892