Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1892

Journal Entry

January 10, 1892 ~ Sunday

10. Sunday I spent the day at home reading Ovando
& Clara spent the day with us


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions
Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions

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Letter from William Moroni Palmer, 10 January 1892
To the first presidency My dear brethern Last spring after I hired to the Utah Magazin Printing Co. I wrote you and asked if I should stop lecturing as I travaled &c. In reply you said preach "We have no objections to you preaching the Gospel when ever called upon to do so the same as any other elder or to lecture- ing to the Y M M I A as you have been doing." Upon this I have tryed to act a cording to the Spirit of it with no desire in my heart but to do good and persuade men to Christ Jesus our Lord. No Magazine is mentioned by me in meetings. Presidents of Stakes in some instances when meeting me have asked when can you give us some lectures also Supertendants of Stake
Letter from Ransom Marion Stevens, 10 January 1892
Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Kindly inform me regarding the necessary prep- erations to be made in taking a mission to Samoa. Will endeavor to be on hand to go with the next company of Elders. Any advice you may deem proper to give in this matter will be very gladly received by Your humble servant in the Gospel of Christ, R. M. Stevens. This seems all right. when convenient give him the information he needs. J. F. S.
Letter from Hans Christian Hansen, b. 1872, 10 January 1892
Logan Utah Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, Yours of the 30th ult (in which you inquire about my circumstances in regard to going on a mission), at hand, and in reply I can state that my sircumstances are not very favorable in this regard. I am nineteen years of age and am going to school at the B. Y. College and would like to learn a little more, and not only this reason, but I have no means and neither has my father as he have just had to pay a very heavy bond for the careless territorial ex-assessor and collector. And therefore I would like if you would give me until the Fall of 1893 to prepare myself. Waiting for a favorable answer, I remain— Your Humble Brother H. C. Hansen. C. J. Larsen Bp. I would give him his time, he can report sooner, if he finds it convenient. J. F. S.

Jan 10, 1892