Day in the Life

Feb 17, 1892

Journal Entry

February 17, 1892 ~ Wednesday

17. I had an interview with Wm W Cluff word just
came that Wm King who is presiding at Iosepa has
Just Died at the Deseret Hospital had an operation
upon his leg


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King, William, b. 1834
8 Apr 1834 - 17 Feb 1892
Cluff, William Wallace
8 Mar 1832 - 21 Aug 1915
66 mentions


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Letter from C. L. Stevenson, 17 February 1892
Salt Lake City, Ans. 18th To the Hon. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith Gentlemen There will be a meeting of the Committe on Irrigation of the Legislature at 10 A.M. Thursday the 18th inst. at these rooms. Knowing the deep interest you take in these matters we trust one, or all of you may be present. We feel that your better knowledge of these matters will be of great benefit if it can be imparted to the committe at this meeting. Hoping most sincerely you will attend I am Most Respectfully Yours C. L. Stevenson Prest.
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Feb 17, 1892