Day in the Life

Feb 16, 1892

Journal Entry

February 16, 1892 ~ Tuesday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to A. O. Smoot & Asahel I met with several
of the Brethren to day Brothe C. J. Rohwer from Mexico
J. F. Smith returned I signed 8 Recommends {[illegible shorthand]}


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
583 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4142 mentions


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Related Documents

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Letter to David King Udall, 16 February 1892

Salt Lake City, Utah. . PREST D. K. UDALL, St. Johns Stake of Zion. Dear Brother: Replying to your favor of 9th, inst. to the Missionary Commit- tee of the Apostles, I will say that the two young men whose names you sug- gest for missions to Scandinavia, have been placed on our list in this office, and will be called as soon as they are needed. I am in entire accord with the views you express regarding the unde- sirability of holding a Conference in your Stake next June, and think you had better inform the Saints that that Conference will not be held, but in place thereof invite as many as possible to attend the Conference at Pine Top in July. With kindest regards, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from John S. Curtis, 16 February 1892

President, Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I was not at home, when your call, as a missionary came to hand. But will say, I am ready and willing to fill it, to the best of my ability, with the help of the Lord Your brother in the Gospel John S. Curtis I indorse the above Jasper Robertson Bishop O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 16 February 1892

Rexburg Idaho, Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, We have just ended yesterday one of the best conferences we have ever enjoyed in our Stake. Our meetings were held Sunday and Monday in the Louisville Meeting house and we are very thankful for having had Apostle Lyman and Prest. Seymour B. Young with us. We have been exceedingly blessed in listening to the good instructions of the brethren and hope to profit by the same. The Saints of our Stake are enjoying good health and prospering. Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

To Emma J L Childs Bill Fruit & seeds 14

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Frederick a E Meyer & Anna B S Mayer Paid for Divorce 10

Feb 16, 1892