Day in the Life

Feb 26, 1892

Journal Entry

February 26, 1892 ~ Friday

26. A hand pointing to the right I met with the Deseret Land Company & with
two Brother Cluffs I wrote to L B Logan Alliance Ohio
for 2 Books sent $1.


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Letter from Annie Dorthea Christensen Stevens Palmer, 26 February 1892

Fairview President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear brother; Yours of the 24 Inst. recieved last night. Pardon me for intruding on your valuable time and perhaps wearying your patience, but I feel that I must yet have advice from you before deciding the matter in regard to the Samoan Mission. In order that you may be the better able to decide I will make a plain state- ment of our affairs and then act according to your decision. In November our baby died, that being the second time we had been bereaved, and having no other children; soon after came letters in regard to the mission and in my intense sorrow

Letter from James Yorgason, 26 February 1892

Fountain Green Feb 26th 1892 President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Yours Letter of the 18th has Just came to hand, in answer will say that Agnes Soderberg is and has ben living in my family ever since the fall of 1886 but not as a hired girl but as my own shild [child]. She was but nine Years old when when she came here and I have kept her in school all the while till Last Spring when I started my creamery I then took her and my daug- hters and sons and other hired

Letter from Conrad Maag, 26 February 1892

Lake view President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother! Your favor of the 18 inst received, and contents carfully noted. in reply will say. it is my feelings as it always has ben to serve the lord and be obediant to the Preasthood of god. i am willing to go at the apointed time the 7th of may this year. Providing i can sell some stock to raise the nessasary means to take me to my field of labor. i remain your brother in the gosple. Conrad Maag. John Johnson Bish All right. J. F. S.

Letter from George D. White, 26 February 1892

Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your call to take a Mission But I am very sorry to say that it will be imposable for me to go at the appointed time as I am not quite twenty one and I have not got any thing to my mname and my parence are poor and have a large fanely [family] of small children of which I am the oldest But I will try to bget fixed so that I can go any time after the September 1892 if there will be any one going about that time I guess that you will not no at present about

Letter from Keplar Sessions, 26 February 1892

President Wilford Woodru ff Dear Brother I Rece ived yours of the 18 and will say that I except of the call and thare is now Obstacles in the way un Less it is my Land it has jest cum in market and I have advertised two Proo ve up on March the 25 and if I should Like two a tend two this bee fore I Gow [go] if I can will it make eny diference if I cshould bee a week Longer I will doo all in my Power two Bee

Feb 26, 1892