Day in the Life

Feb 27, 1892

Journal Entry

February 27, 1892 ~ Saturday

27 I spent the day at home choreing

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Letter from Herman Hafen, 27 February 1892

Santa Clara In reply to your note that I received requesting me to leave Salt Lake City on the 28 of May, on a mission to Europe: I feel to say that it is quite a hard task for me to face. Neve[r]theless if it is your request I will comply with the same if possible; and, be there on the afore date. Your brother in the Gospel Harmon Hafen John G. Hafen Bp. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Wallace Ambrose Head, 27 February 1892

Preston Idaho. . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, I received my letter on ^the^ 19th Stating that my name had been accepted as a Missionary to the United States. I am willing to go and try to fill an honerable Mission. I feel this is a hard task for me but never the less I feel like going ^on^ and doing my part in helping to rool on the work of the lord which we are engaged in. Your Brother in the Gospel, W. A. Head. W. C. Parkinson Bishop O. K. J. F. S.

Telegram from Orson Smith, 27 April 1892

Received at President's Office, Salt Lake City, at 925 am Dated, Logan, 27. To Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Our quarterly Conference is postponed for one week. Orson Smith. LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO.

Letter from John William Williamson, 27 February 1892

Salt Lake City Til Presidentskabet for Jesus Christi Kirke af siste dagers Helige. Kjære Brødre De har sendt mig et Brev Og ønsker at vide hvorvidt jeg er i stand til at gaa paa Misjon. Jeg vil hertil sige At det er en glede at vere ansett verdig til saadan stor gjerning jeg maa kun beklage At mine omstendigheter ere For nerværende inviklede saadan At jeg ikke ser nogen udvei Jeg er givet og har 3 Børn Jeg har ogsaa en svigermoder som jeg har paataget mig at Forsørge saa lenge Herren vil

Letter from John William Williamson, 27 February 1892

Salt Lake City, U. T. To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints. Dear Brethren: Having received a letter in which you wish to know my circumstances, and whether I should be able to go on a mission. In answer will say, that it gives me joy to be considered worthy of so great a calling. But am sorry to say, that at present am so much involved, that I cannot see my way clear to go. Am married and have 3 children. Have also my mother-in-law living with us, having promised to keep her as long as she lives. Am still owing $400 on my home, and cannot borrow more on it. Under the circum- stances I can not see my way clear to accept this high honor, over

Feb 27, 1892