Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1892

Journal Entry

February 28, 1892 ~ Sunday

28. Sunday I spent the day reading

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Letter from Alexander Badlam Jr., 28 February 1892
My Dear Mr. & Mrs. Woodruff I regret exceedingly that the continued illness of my son will prevent my visit to your city in time to attend your festive anniversary My son pas passed the danger point and just began to conval- esce and his mother and my- self devote our entire time to prevent a relapse. (again.) Our family all send congratulations and love for yourself and wife with a hope that you may have many more happy anniversarys
Letter from Frederick Stauffer, 8 February 1892
Louisville President, Woodruff & Counselors, Dear Breothern, I have just received a long letter from our friend and brother Binyad from Constantinople, the substance of which is that he has succeeded in getting rights for our church, that is the Sublime Porte has ruled that our appeal for liberty to worship and preaching the Gospel is in accordance with there laws and that the efforts of the Christian sects in opposing us were unconstitutional. He says that the cost of court and making out the Charter are about $2575 00/100 i. e. 6500 piasters, which must be paid, then they can have as much printing done as they please, and have a representative at the Porte who will be paid from the Government. The right for building any house of worship would have

Feb 28, 1892