March 1, 1892
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 85 years
old This Day
Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 180738
Aged 54 years
old this day
This being my Birth day As I have said on the
oposite Page I met with the Apostles in the Evening at my
House And had a good time together
March 1, 1892
This is my Birth day Through the mercy of God I have
been preserved on the Earth in the flesh to see 85 years
And this has been by the power of God, for there has
been an Evil power following me to Destroy me from
the day of my birth but the power of God has prevailed
to preserve my life untill the present day for which I am
in duty bound to acknowledge the hand of God therein
I held a Meeting at my house in the Evening with the
Presidency of the Church & 12 Apostles And the
Bishoprick we had a house full I called upon
President Joseph F. Smith And He offered up prayer
& Dedicated the House & all its surrounding unto the
Lord. we had supper & music & speeches untill 11 oclok
& then the company Departed I went to bed at 12 o'clok
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