Day in the Life

Mar 3, 1892

Journal Entry

March 03, 1892 ~ Thursday

3rd. I met with the State Board of Education I met with
the Board at the Templeton had dinner & speeches
were made, in behalf of Karl G Maeser as the
superintendent of the church schools we had a party
of young people at our house untill a late hour


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Maeser, Karl Gottfried
16 Jan 1828 - 15 Feb 1901
515 mentions


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Discourse 1892-03-03

PRESIDENT WOODRUFF arose and said—I do not feel well enough to make a speech, but I feel that I ought to express a few of my thoughts on this occasion. I have read the Old and the New Testament, the whole history of God's dealings with the world, and I think that all the men who have labored in the cause of truth have had the inspiration of Almighty God. There is no work that God has set His hand to do of more importance than His work in the last dispensation of the fulness of times. And I think it has been by the inspira- tion of Almighty God that this city has been built and this Temple erected. And I believe it has been by the in- spiration of Almighty God that Brother Maeser, Brother Talmage, Brother Young, and all the breth- ren have been moved upon in the performance of their labor. And on the same principle, I do not believe God has ever set His hand to perform a work without doing it. I think it will come to pass in the Church School movement according to the desires of the brethren. The storing of the minds of the children with true principles is by the inspira- tion of Almighty God. I think we shall have many schools and teachers devoted to this labor, and they shall not be hindered by the powers that have operated against them in the past. I think God approves what has been done in these schools, and what we have done today has been by the inspiration of Almighty God. And I say to Brother Maeser, to Brother Talmage, and those who labor with them, give heed to the word of God, and He will bless you with the necessaries of life. No- body can be engaged in a better cause. Thousands of Elders go to the nations of the earth to convert the people there, and we have a great army of children here upon whose shoulders the great work of building up the Kingdom of God will rest. There could not be a better mission in the world than that of training these children. And I say, God bless you; and I will prophesy to you in the name of the Lord that the people will soon see the necessity of this work. And as you pass along you will see the hand of the Lord in these things, for every necessary thing for your prosper- ity will be provided. This blessing I pronounce upon you in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Telegram from Jonathan Golden Kimball, 3 March 1892

RECEIVED at Salt Lake 430 p Dated Chattanooga Tenn 3 To CWilford Woodruff. William P. Freeman is not laboring in this mission J. G. Kimball

Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 3 March 1892

Logan Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother inclosed please find a communication from Lorenzo Hatch councellor to Prest Jesse N Smith in one of the Arizona Stakes of Zion, Bro Hatch went there some years ago and took one of His Plural wives with Him, His first and Legal wife was not in a state of Health to go at the time, nor is yet able to go: His wife He took with Him has recently died and left Him alone as far as a wife is concerned if I understand the Matter from His letter He wants the Plural wife that is here to come to Him and care for Him and The Familey He has there in Woodruff, His Boys & Fameley here wants Him to be released in the Presidency there and come back here where they can assist Him, I do not think Bro Hatch wants to be released, but is willing if you and your con cellors think that will be the best thing for Him to do please return His letter to Me and I will write to Him after learning your views concerning the Matter Respectfully M. W. Merrill

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Dr to Cash 20

Mar 3, 1892