Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1892

Journal Entry

March 04, 1892 ~ Friday

4 I received a Letter from H. B. Clawson
A hand pointing to the right I wrote G. Q. Cannon & H B Clawson


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912

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Letter from Grove Karl Gilbert, 4 March 1892

WASHINGTON, D. C. . To the President of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear sir: A letter has come to this office from Prof. A. Krassnoff of the University of Kharkof, Russia, containing the following inquiry: "Can you not tell me whether there may be got anywhere in Washington plans of the famous "Tabernacle" in Salt Lake City, Utah, that is to say, plans or an exact description of this wondrously fine hall. If these may be bought anywhere, please write me where and when it may be done, and if it costs no more than $50, I will at once send money there in order to get the plans. It is intended to have a similar building erected in Moscow, and I hope that you as an American will be pleased to see an American invention on Russian soil." Mr. Krassnoff is a distingished scientist whose works on plant geography have a wide reputation. He attended the Inter- national Congress of Geologists in Washington last August, and afterward took part in the great geological excursion through the West. It was on that occasion that the Tabernacle attracted his attention.

Business/Financial - Agreement receipt from John Whittaker Taylor, 4 March 1892

Received from President Wilford Woodruff. One Hundred Dollars as payment for six months lease on Ten Thousand acres of land locating in Alberta. N. W. T. Canada. John W. Taylor

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for 10000 Acres of Land in Canida 100 4 (For the church $120)

Letter from George Teasdale, 4 March 1892

President Wilford Woodruff, & Council, Salt Lake City, Utah. Beloved Brethren: I returned from a visit to the settlements of the Mexican Mission and attending Conference, on Wednesday even- ing the 2nd inst, and met with the Saints of this Ward yesterday in the Fast Meeting, Relief Society and Monthly Priesthood meeting. We had a most excellent conference. At the Priesthood meeting I informed the Priesthood that I had carried the burden of this Mexican Mission alone for a year and a third and that if they were willing we would get a little closer together in the Priesthood and have others take some of the responsibility and assist me to carry the burden. As an Apostle it was my duty to put in order all organizations. I had been the President and Secretary of the Relief Societies, Young Men's & Ladies Mutual Improvement and Primary Associations & Superintendent & Secretary of the Sabbath Schools of the Mexican Mission, and I did not see the necessity of carrying this burden any longer. At last Conference I tried to effect some organ- izations but did not succeed, I presumed the time had not come, but now I had been im- pressed to do so. I had sought by fervent prayer to know the mind and will of our Heavenly

Mar 4, 1892