Day in the Life

Mar 5, 1892

Journal Entry

March 05, 1892 ~ Saturday

March 5 1892
I spent the day at home choreing & reading

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Letter from George D. White, 5 March 1892
Pres Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother I am perping to start on my mission on the 23th of March as I before stated and I would like to no if there is any reduction on the railroad from Milford to Salt Lake City if so I would like you to let me no as soon as posible as I would like to leave Beaver City on the 19 of the
Letter from Jacob Iff, 5 March 1892
Dear President Wilford Woodruff In answer to yours of Feby 27th I have to say I am wil- ing and will try to be on hand as requested Jacob Iff Bro Iff is a Faithfull Elder is one of our Teachers and faithfull in the discharge of his duties I chearfully recomend as such Respectfulley Your Brother Wm A Bills Bp All right. J. F. S.

Mar 5, 1892