Day in the Life

Mar 9, 1892

Journal Entry

March 09, 1892 ~ Wednesday

March 9, 1892
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I received 4 Letters I signed 4 Recommends {[illegible shorthand]}
Met with Jackson Co Man And H B Strait
Member of Congress


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Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 9 March 1892

[end of sideways text] LATTER-DAY SAINTS', EUROPEAN PRINTING PUBLISHING AND EMIGRATION OFFICE. 42 Islington, Liverpool. Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Your favor Feb. 15th came to hand and was perused with uncommon interest and I will answer you according to the light that is in me. First, we thank you for your kind invi- tation to attend the aniversary of your birth day Heaven has favored you and I thank God you are recovered from your recent illness and for the presservation of your life to comfort the saints and your family. I will sug- gest that your next invatation anti date your birth day, time enough ^for us^ to joni you, especially should you consider our presence necessary—rather desiriable. Curiosity I believe is the mainspring that has brought strangers to our meetings, and I believe that, curiosity is waning; for all over the mission with about three exceptions the people feel in the districts where our people elders labor, that a mormon elder, with his gospel is a nuissance. The people do not want the gospel and while we do batptize a few—not one proselyte to each elder in the year. Still it is a fact that, the elders meet with but little but abuse. We are warning the people and ^doing^ but little else. I have felt to put a force in here—this nation, that, the people will be left without excuse, I have found not one case where the distribution of tracts has brought one soul to our meetings or into the Church.

Letter from Christian Munk, 9 March 1892

Manti President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother. Your note of the 18th of February was received by me on the 6th of March, hence the delay in answering. I accept the call and shall endeavor to arrange my affairs so as to be on hand according to appointment Yours &c. Christian Munk Hans Jensen Bp O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Hans Peter Jorgensen, 9 March 1892

Fountain Green Presedent Woodruff. Dear Brother in answer to your Letter of the 7 I will say I shall Be on hand to fell a Mission to Scandenavia and Ready to Leve Salt Lake city on the 41 14th of May as Requisted I Remeain Your Brother in the Gospel Hans P. Jorgenson C. J. Christiansen Bp O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from William Paxman, 9 March 1892

Nephi City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother We have made arrangements to hold a conference with the saints at Levan next Saturday & Sunday the 12th & 13th insts. and as things are somewhat unsettled in that ward since the death of Bishop Aagaard we thought it an op- portune time to organize a Bishopric. If this meets your approval we should be very pleased to have an apostle with us on either or both of the days mentioned. If any should come kindly notify us & we will have a conveyance at Juab to convey him to Levan. Awaiting your early reply. I remain Your Brother in the gospel of Christ Wmilliam Paxman Prest. Pr J. W. P.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

John W Haderlie & Catherine Haderlie Paid for Divorce 10 Lars J. Larson & Isadore A Larson Paid for Divorce 10

Mar 9, 1892