Day in the Life

Mar 10, 1892

Journal Entry

March 10, 1892 ~ Thursday

March 10th I signed 4 Recommends I had an interview
with several Brethren Besides the 3 Bishops upon
the subject of issuing orders

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Letter from G. H. Raymond, 10 March 1892

President. Church of the Latter Day Saints. Salt Lake City. Utah. Dear Sir. I have some choice lands with old water priorities near La Jara and Conejos Colo. I see some of your people are living there and I was told were doing very nicely. If you would kindly advise me if there would be a pro^s^psect of selling your people there any lands and who would be the proper party to apply ^to^ I would be greatly obliged and would be glad to recip- rocate should opportunity present itself. Very Respectfully, G. H Raymond.

Letter to Leonard John Nuttall, 10 March 1892

Salt Lake City, Utah. . Elder L. John Nuttall, Dear Brother: You are already aware that Bro. I. M. Wadell has been notified that his services as land attorney for the Church would be no longer needed ^after the last of last month,^ and that he has been requested to turn over to you all books and papers he may have in connection with the work he was retained to do: you will, therefore, please see Brother Waddell for the purpose of receiving from him all such papers, and whatever information he may have to communicate in relation to this business. Your Brother, W Woodruff

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Cash on Historied Note 150

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Mar 10, 1892