Day in the Life

Mar 29, 1892

Journal Entry

March 29, 1892 ~ Tuesday

29. plesant this morning I gave several permits to go on
to the Temple Tower I went to the Temple & Examined
the Bronze Angel for the Top stone of the Temple 13 feet
high & about 1500 lbs in weight I examind the
Elevator to go to the top which looked safe I had
an interview with Brother Penrose about the Logan
Election the two Editors are at war over it


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Penrose, Charles William
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925


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Letter from Frederick Nielson, 29 March 1892

Richfield City Preasident Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I receved yours of the 10th March calling me on A mission to the Scandinavia I am ready and willing to go If you think best but my helth ifs Poorley as I suffer with the Gravel My Finantial A feares is not the best as I will have to leave my family more or less on the hands of the ward. Pleas anser at once if I am excused. If not I will apear as requered if I can Git My ^citizens^ Papers in time I have not got my first papers yet

Letter from Joseph S. Horne, 29 March 1892

Richfield, Mar. 29th 1892. Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: Among other Brethren who have lately received calls to go on mis- sions, is Frederick Beutler Jr. of this Ward. He cannot correspond very well in English so I promised to write for him. His financial circumstances are such that he cannot arrange to go just now; nor would I deem it wise to urge him to go at present. While I am not desirous to place obstacles in the way of any one's progress, it seems consistent that men who go abroad should harm- onize their actions and words, thus being effectual dispensers of the Gospel.

Letter from Lars Severine Christenson, 29 March 1892

Lyman President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I recieved your letter of march ^4^th and will accept the appointment and will endevour to be ready at the time appointed Your Brother in the Gospel Lars Severine Christenson Bp S. A. Wilcox. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from S. R. Smith, 29 March 1892

Chief of the Mormons. Dear Sir; I, a confirmed invalid, have commenced to write a conpendious history of Christianity and wishing to be well informed in regard to the history of the Mormons I address you hoping you will be kind enough to furnish me with the information I desire. I have read your early history and know little about your society since the death of your founder, Joseph Smith. If you liked you could write me a short account of your religion from its foundation; but in any event please be kind enough to give me your history since the death of Mr. Smith, and also define your creed or belief, together, with some details in regard to your form of worship or religious exercises. I, of course, do not wish to misrepresent your society in any way and it would therefore be better if you would write me some details of your history and creed from beginning to the present time. Among other things inform as to the number of persons belonging to your society and to what extent polygamy is practiced. Respectfully Yours, S. R. Smith, Bardstorm, Ky. Nelson Co.

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 29 March 1892

Provo, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In conformity with the program for my fourth circuit, sub- mitted to Bro. G. Reynolds, on March 18th, I started for Ogden the same day and met with the Board of Education of Weber Stake at 5 P.M;. ^On the following day, I^ visited the Sunday school of the Second Ward, addressed the public meeting in the afternoon, and the meeting of the Fifth Ward in the evening, on all of which occasions the proper training of the youth and the principles of our educational system furnished me the texts. Monday, March 21, attended the Academy the whole day, met again with the Stake Board after close of school, and ^by request,^ gave a lec- ture to the Seventies in the evening. It is gratifying to report that the members of the Weber Stake Board of Education are all active workers in the cause, and under their ju- dicious management that Academy is forging its way to the frontrank among our educational institutions. I made them acquainted with the requirements which, according to the General Circular No. 8, soon to be pub- lished, would constitute a real Academy in our Church- School Organization. They are determined to obtain teach- ers of the required qualifications and grades for next

Mar 29, 1892